so you and Finn we're best friends until you moved to New York for two years and came back and Finn became popular and once you got back Finn stared bullying you and Finn said you were just a slut and everyone hated you until you met this girl and y...
It was lunch time when you walked to the cafeteria and you got your lunch and sat in your original spot and you just we're eating untill someone had tapped your shoulder you turned around to see a girl standing there she introduced herself to me Girl:hey my name is Sadie you looked a bit lonely so me and my friends were wondering if you wanted to sit with us *pointing to a table* You nod and walk with her to her table when you get there you see two girls and two boys Y/n: hey I'm y/n First boy: I'm Wyatt Second boy: I'm Noah First girl: i'm Kayla Second girl: I'm Andi Sadie: wanna be in our group Y/n: sure *you just stared thinking* And out of nowhere someone spilled milk on you, you turn around to see Finn, Millie, Jack and more boys and then Millie and Jack spilled more milk on you so you get up and run to the girls bathroom and go into one of the stalls and sit on the toilet and put your face in your hands and start to cry until someone came in you stop crying and you hear 3 girls The girls: y/n are you ok You walk out of the stalls to see Andi, Kayla and Sadie Y/n: wait here real quick you run to your locker and get clothes out because you always have a new pair of clothes because this always happens to you then all of a sudden you wear pulled and pushed against a wall you didn't know who it was because your eyes wear closed and you can feel his or her breath by your mouth you open your eyes slowly to see Finn there looking into your eyes you tell him to get off of you Y/n: GET OFF OF ME You escape him and run to the bathroom room with your clothes and run to the girls All: Where we're you Y/n: Finn had pushed me against the wall let me change You go into the stalls again and you change in to a Adidas shirt and black leggings and a green shirt like this
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You come out and they ask if you can take your jacket off you look down and slowly take it off once it's off they see the cuts on your arms they all go and hug you and you hug back then you put your Jacket back on and then you guys walk out then Millie, Lilia and Maddie Millie: your always wearing a sweater or a jacket let's see what your hiding Lilia Maddie grab her Lilia and Maddie grab her while Millie unzips your jacket and she pulls it off everyone is watching and then everyone see's your cuts
BTW I didn't do part 2 because I had a lot of homework and didn't have time to do it a do it and then I also feel sick so I'm also gonna do part 3 later