"Did you have sex with TWO girls?!"

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Noah's POV

I woke up to the sound of yelling. I tried opening my eyes but instantly winced them shut when the sun hit me. I groaned in agony.

Memories from last night came flooding back to me and I looked to the other side of the bed, wondering where the beautiful girl was.

Evidence of Sophia being here didnt even exist. Why did she leave? I hope my drunk ass didn't scare her. I ran my fingers through my hair, thinking. I could've said a million things last night that scared her off.

I remembered talking about my family, my accident, all of that heavy stuff. I shouldnt of opened pandoras box after knowing her for 72 hours, but she did things to me. She made me feel so comfortable, probably also due to my alcohol levels.

Then I looked down at my body, only wearing boxers. I remembered that Sophia undressed me and I fell back into bed, not being able to handle the mortification.

After taking a shower, popping ibuprofen, and getting dressed, I left my room. My buddies were all sitting at the table, eating room service breakfast.

They all looked at me when I opened the door. "Hey, Bud!" Will yelled. "Hello?" I said, confused. What were all of their faces for? Like they were waiting for me to say something.

"So..." Will started. "How was last night?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, grabbing a piece of bacon from his plate.

"You know what I mean." Will said, eating his eggs. I shook my head, no.

"How was the sex?" Damon asked, explaining.

"With Sophia?" I asked, confused.
"Uh, yeah, bro." Will started. "Did you have sex with two girls?" His mouth opened wide in shock.

"Oh no, no, no. Sophia and I didn't have sex." I shook my head, annoyed.

"The hell?" Troy asked. "When we got back to the room last night, she was leaving our room. She looked like she was messed up man." Troy laughed along with the others.

"Wait, she looked messed up?" I sat down next to Troy. "How?"

"Like you fuc-"
"Troy, c'mon be real." I interrupted him.

He sighed. "Youre no fun, but she looked," he scrambled for words. "Antsy?" Troy looked at the other boys who nodded their heada in agreement. "Yeah, she looked antsy and nervous to see us. We thought that meant you guys-" He trailed off.

"Ahh, shit. I probably said something weird. I gotta go talk to her." I stood up and walked to the door.

"Dude, it's fine." Will started. "No, dude it's not fine. I like this girl and I think I just did something dumb." I stormed out of the room.

I could not fathom what I said. I remembered bits and pieces from last night. I tried to rack my brain from memories but theres was nothing substantial. I remembered that I told her things but I had no recollection of how I said them, I just knew that I did. What If I did ask her to have sex with me? Or if I was too handsy.

I was so nervous. I know her last boyfriend was a dick about sex, and I really did want Sophia to like me. I really hope I didn't say anything stupid.

I knocked on the door. I heard footsteps approach it and turn the lock. The girl with purple hair answered the door. When she saw me, her eyes went wide and she instantly stepped outside of the room.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, curious.
"I need to see Sophia." I'm sure that Violet could hear the strain in my voice and knew that it was serious.

"What happened? What did you do to her?" She accused.

"I'm... I.. I'm not sure." I stammered.
Violet brushed her hand through her hair, thinking about what to say next. "She's... She's down by the pool." She finally gave up.

I thanked her and walked off before she could say more.

I walked outside and I instantly saw her. Perfection, laying out and reading a book while she sipped her Miami Vice.

I walked up to her and at first she didn't notice me until I cleared my throat. She looked up and saw me and instantly put the book down.

"That's a new drink." I said.
"Thought I'd try something new." She said, smiling. That beautiful smile.

"Whats the prognosis?" I asked, sitting down next to her.

"Very good." She said. She looked nervous and tried to avoid making eye contact.

"So, about last night..." I started.
"No, really. It's my bad. I shouldnt of left." She interrupted.
"Well, why did you?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. "Did I do something wrong?"

She put her hand on my knee. "It's nothing that you did." She assured me. "It was me, totally me."

I sighed, letting go of the breath I was holding.

"Why did you leave though if nothing went wrong?" I asked, curious.

I saw her gulp and tighten her jaw. "I was umm... scared of what my friends would think. I haven't exactly told them that we've been hanging out."

"Oh," I said. She nodded, looking shy.
"Then, I guess I'll see you around." I stood up, feeling awkward and even though she said nothing was wrong, it felt like I had done something wrong. I started walking away when she yelled me name. I instantly whipped around.

"Hey, my friends are renting ATV's for this afternoon if you and your friends want to join us." She shrugged her shoulders and smiled at me.

I instantly felt better about everything. A huge grin played at my face. "What time?" I asked, walking back over to her. "3:00 is when we're leaving." She said.

I nodded. "I'll see you at 2:30 then." I smirked at her. Her face instantly blushed and she lowered her head so I couldnt see. That blush got me every time. "Sounds good, Centineo." She said as she picked her book back up, smiling to herself.

This girl was gonna be the death of me. Her and that smile drove me nuts.

more of a filler but i wanted yall to know how noah felt about her!! he's so cute ahh!!!! anyways thx for reading!
comments are ALWAYS appreciated!

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