another adventure begins

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"What do you want to be when you grow up?" I asked taking a sip of wine.

Noah took a sip of his drink. "No clue."

"You have no clue?" I asked, suprised. "You don't even have an idea of what you want to do?"

"I'm interested in being a lawyer, creating a business, IT, being a surgeon." He said, explaining. "I wanna do so much and theyre all so different." He said.

"Yeah, I guess those are all very different." I said.

"Well how bout you?" He asked.

"I'm looking into psychology, I think. I wanted to do photography but my parents didn't like that idea." I laughed dryly.

"Photography, that'd be cool." He said, thinking about it.

"Yeah, I've always liked taking photos." I said, quietly.

"Can I see some?" He asked, intrigued.

"Oh, um, yeah. I might have some on my phone." I said, reaching to my side for my device.

I looked through my camera roll and handed Noah my phone. It was mostly pictures of my friends in pretty places or us driving around.

"Wow." He said, wide eyed. "These are beautiful."

"Thanks," I said, nervously tucking my hair behind my ear.

"No, like they're really good." He said, continuing to scroll through the photos.

I couldnt help but blush. "Thank you, Noah." I smiled. People have always told me my photos were good, but to hear it from Noah made it seem even more true.

"We should take pictures or something." He said, handing the phone back to me.

"Yeah, for sure."
Taking pictures of Noah sounded like a great idea. If we didnt last past this vacation, at least I'd always have the pictures of our time together.

When I looked up from my phone and put it down, I saw that Noah had his head tilted, staring at me. Like a kid looking at a toy he wanted.

"What are you looking at?" I asked, laughing and grabbing my glass of wine.

"You..." He said, quietly.

"Shut up," I said, touching his knee.

"Okay." He said, happily, continuing to smile and stare at me.

"Stop..." I whined, blushing.

Noah sat up and grabbed my cheek, bringing me in for a kiss. He stroked my cheek while he kissed me. His lips on mine, were heaven. I knew I could kiss this boy forever if he let me.

Noah grabbed the glass from my hand while he kissed me and set it on the table behind me. Before I knew it, Noah was picking me up and carrying me off he couch. I giggled into the kiss while he laughed. He walked into his room and shut the door with a swing of his foot.

Noah set me down on the bed and loomed into my eyes, smiling. I wanted to tell him I loved him right then. I wanted to tell him so bad.

"Noah," I said, stroking his hair out of eyes.

"Yeah?" He said, giving me a small smile.

"I..." I stopped myself. I couldn't tell him I loved him, it'd ruin it all. "I really like you." I settled.

He gave me a small laugh and traced my face. "I really like you too, Ramirez."

To stop myself from saying even more, I leaned up and kissed him. This night was ours and dropping the 'Love' bomb would only ruin things. I wanted this night to always be a perfect memory. If I told him how I truly felt, it could totally change the ending of this memory, ruining the whole thing. So I kept my mouth shut. But not literally, Noah caused my mouth to be open for most of the night. Moaning was my only exception for not keeping my mouth shut.

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