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Scene 1

In this scene we see our hero clutching his chest. The dark hall is made more haunting by the use of a single red light flashing. Two rats scurry off into the dark scared by the heavy wheezing of our hero. The sound of a bottle of pills thunder against the floor. Panic jumps from his eyes he feels around like a mole underground. He's desperate. He pulls out a flip phone and frantically dials a number....

Cut to:

A shot of Woman trying on a bridal dress with her chatty friends making  a racket in the dress shop. They laugh and sip bubbly liquids while the bride to be models extravagant fabrics. A man with a large Farsi beard stands behind the counter perfectly still. Only his eyes move from woman to wacky woman and his face appears as if he's terrified to speak. The Woman fans herself in her latest dress when a phone rings. Her maid of honor brings her the phone and she casually answers.


Look dad I'm busy trying on dresses.

You're gonna have to call me ba-

The woman face freezes in concern. She quiets her friends wildly flapping her free hand.


-Daddy what's wrong? What's happening? Where are you!

Okay, okay, I'm listening daddy (crying).....

Daddy you sound terrible- okay I'm listening...

Cut to:

We're back in the tunnel and our hero has managed to sit up with his back against the wall. The shadows are rhythmically interrupted by the red light throbbing from an unknown source. He has the phone squashed between shoulder blade and soaking wet cheek. His eyes lull like the Blues fiends on Beale Street. His thick tongue tries to coat his dry lips but only makes them sticky. The tears in his eyes are noticeably different from the beads of sweat invading his face and hands. He doesn't bother wiping and speaks into the phone....


Just listen to me  Baby Girl. You gotta take care of yourself ok. 

Tim's a great guy but you're stronger than he is. 

He'll probably buckle and bail before he ever admits it.

I wish I had your strength...(cough)

Just listen....

You are the purest Person I've ever met.

It's been my greatest pleasure to be gifted you 

and giving the chance to watch you grow up.

Your smile and your fabled eyes 

made me and your mother 

the happiest people who ever tried to Love.

You're that drop in the ocean that stands out 

That singular measure mermaids write about.

(cough)....shh. It's almost over.

Drink 8 glasses of water everyday

and give gluton a second chance 

he, he, he...just kidding.

Try not to cut anyone off in traffic

and stop doing your own taxes, trust me.

Believe in God even when it's not fashionable anymore

Believe in me and know that I wanted the best life for you.

I really did Daughter , believe in me.

Don't go crazy when your children misbehave

You've gotta a temper like me and I'm sorry...

I wish I was quieter....

All the shouting for what?

When you were perfect from day one...

I guess parents just wanna know you're gonna be okay when they....


Remember that Love sometimes mean showing bone

and whatever gets broken ....

can get fixed.

I've loved you for every second I was alive....


Close-up on phone as it slowly slides down the hero's slumping body.

End scene 1

End scene 1

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