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Chapter Playlist

~No Way Out-Phil Collins

~Head Above Water-Avril Lavigne

"try the grey stuff"

The elevator stopped at the second floor. Zim was still holding onto my wrist. Even though his hand was small and he only had three fingers, his grip was still like iron.

Zim lead me towards the kitchen. "GIR!" he shouted. No response. "GIR!" he repeated. Once again, no answer. Zim grunted in frustration. He stomped into the kitchen, dragging me with him.

GIR was in the kitchen. He wore a light pink apron, decorated with little dark pink hearts. He was stirring something on the stove while humming an annoying song he -most likely-composed himself. "GIR! Is the food ready?" Zim asked. "Nope" GIR replied. Zim' eyes darkened. "Wait." GIR paused for a moment. His teal eyes darted back towards the bowl. "Yup!" GIR said as he kept stirring. "'Yup', it's ready?" Zim asked, raising an eyebrow. "Yes" GIR replied.

GIR began grabbing bowls out of the cupboard. Zim yanked me over to the table. He let go of my wrist as he pulled up my chair. "Merci" I muttered. Yes, Zim is treating me like crap, but I still wanted to be polite. Plus Zim seemed to be a little more polite by at least pulling out my chair for me.

As Zim took his seat across from me, he said: "Don't get too used to this, human. Tomorrow, you're making the food."

I was stunned. I had never tried cooking. Back home, Papa was always the one who would do the cooking. Even when he was busy with a project, he would still find time to cook. However, he never taut me and I never bothered to ask him to teach me.

"But I can't cook" I blurted out. "Well, neither can GIR!" Zim snapped. Right when Zim spoke, GIR placed the bowls on the table. He also handed the both of us spoons.
I stared at the goop in my bowl. It was a greyish substance. It looked kind of chunky. I placed the spoon into the goop and began stirring. It was thick and chunky.

"I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have told GIR to poison you" Zim spoke up before sipping the soup.

I kept my eyes on Zim, to see what his reaction to the soup would be. As soon as he sipped it, his immediate reaction was a look of disgust. His eyes widened in non-amusement. He didn't bother spitting out the substance, but just stared at it in horror, after painfully swallowing.

I stared back at my bowl. I picked it up with my spoon and without second guessing, I sipped the mysterious liquid.

As I said earlier, it was chunky, which made it hard to swallow. But the taste wasn't terrible. It tasted like beef mixed with cupcakes in milk. That should sound gross, but the beef really makes it shine out from its disgusting description.

I took another sip. "You like GIR's cooking?" Zim asked, his arms folded on the table in curiosity. "I don't mind it" I reply. "It's not the best thing I've had, but it should keep me satisfied for a while."

Zim shot me a confused glance. He shrugged it off as he took another sip of the soup.

"I call it the grey stuff!" GIR shouted.

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