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Press days were long and tiring, especially when there was something stuck on your mind. As fun as it was promoting a film you're starring in and producing, Margot seemed to find it difficult to think about I, Tonya when all she could think about is what she was going to say to a girl she only met recently who she had kissed without knowing her better. As great as the kiss was on Margot's side, she felt bad for not even asking if Willa wanted to kiss her back (or was even interested in her in the first place).

No one seemed to question where Margot's mind seemed to drift between interviews. She then would put on an act (she was pretty good at that) and appear as though that there was nothing going on inside her mind that was bothering her. Once one interview was over, she was all smiles as the interviewer left and the next one arrived to ask the same old questions the previous one had. It was that brief time between one leaving and another arriving where she got to think about the exact words she wanted to tell Willa (with an apology being an obvious start to it).

It was when the press interviews were over just after midday that she immediately organised herself a driver to get out to Brooklyn Heights so she can find some sort of closure over what had happened. Coincidentally, it was the same driver who had taken her to the area only two and a half days ago. He didn't seem to question the return, which Margot appreciated. He just did his job.

Pulling up in front of Galaxy Comics, Margot told the driver she'd call him when she was ready to be picked up before rushing out of the car. Lowering her hat, she walked directly from the car into the store, trying not to bring any attention to herself and really hoped no one realised who she was. Luckily, there wasn't anyone in the store and when Margot glanced at the windows of the store, no one seemed to be paying attention to the store as they went on with their day. Margot didn't want to be interrupted by anyone so she was extremely thankful about it. Annoyingly though, Willa wasn't currently in the store.

Noticing a bell on the counter next to the register, Margot quickly went to it and before pressing her hand down, it hovered. She wondered whether or not she would be met with Willa or by someone else who worked in the store. And maybe Willa would not be happy to see her and would be annoyed by the surprise kiss, which was something she really hoped wasn't true as she found herself starting to like the comic book store owner. She'd never know though if she didn't ring the bell.

When she pressed down on the bell, the loud chime it made rang throughout the small store. She then heard the familiar voice of Willa yell "I'll be out in a minute" from behind the door where the staircase to upstairs was. Margot remembered briefly seeing a small kitchen like area in the room as she had rushed up the staircase when she was here last so it was quite possible Willa was using it while no was in the store.

Willa then came out of the room backwards and as she turned, she was looking down at a mug and stirring the contents of it. She raised was her drink to take a sip upon removing the spoon and as she raised her glance, her eyes fell on Margot waiting for her at the counter. Immediately, Willa began coughing on her drink and spitting out some back into the mug.

"Are you okay?" Margot asked as she considered rushing to help Willa but she had a feeling that it might make things a little more awkward.

Once Willa had finished coughing, she cleared her throat as she put the mug and spoon down on a nearby counter. "I'm fine now." She then nervously took a deep breath. "I, uh, I didn't expect to see you back here so soon after the other day."

"I wanted to apologise for being so forward and kissing you." Margot said, removing her glasses and pulling back her hat, still keeping it on. "I don't think I've ever done anything like that before and I felt so bad about it as soon as it happened, especially because I didn't even know if you were interested in me or if you were even interested in girls so I'm really sorry about it all." Margot felt herself beginning to ramble so she paused, took a deep breath then carried on in a calmer and slower manner. "Getting this all of my chest is what I felt like I had to do before I have to fly back to Los Angeles tomorrow morning so this whole awkward encounter has some closure to it all." She put her sunglasses back on. "It was so very nice to meet you, Willa. Thank you for helping me the other day. I really appreciate it as those books will all help me with my Harley Quinn research for Suicide Squad." She then chuckled a little to herself. "Clearly I appreciated it enough that I kissed you in return." Margot noticed a little quirk of a smile on Willa's lips. She then turned away from the other woman, knowing that it was her time to leave. She had said all she had to say.

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