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Hey Willa,

It has been a little while. I was thinking about you recently and I remembered that your birthday is coming up and as I'm currently in Toronto shooting Suicide Squad, I was wondering if maybe for your birthday, I could buy you a plane ticket and book some accommodation up here for you and you could come visit the set? If you say no, that's fine and I'll understand but I just know that it would be special for you to see me bring to life a character you hold so dearly and the reason why we meet.

Hope to hear from you,


The email had been opened up on Willa's laptop screen for a solid hour. She had been sitting on the living room couch and just staring at it, rereading it over and over again. As she did so, she bit her fingers nervously and considered the different intentions of the message. Was it just an innocent, friendly birthday present? Or did Margot have intentions of getting back together?

As often as Willa thought about getting back together with Margot, she didn't know if she'd be able to handle the stress of now openly being in a relationship with a celebrity. It was stressful dating one in private. She really liked Margot but she didn't know how much her poor and fragile heart could handle. Besides, wasn't Margot dating Grant again? She's clearly moved on.

She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't hear the front door to the apartment open and close followed by heavy footsteps coming up the staircase. Archie had returned home from a shift down at the bar and as he came through the doorway from the staircase, he immediately put his jacket up on the hook nearby and headed directly to the kitchen, opening the fridge up. He was saying something as he did all this (likely talking about something ridiculous that happened at work) but all Willa could hear was distant noises, sounding as distorted as if someone was talking to her through a thick wall. She was too focused on the email in front of her to pay attention to her surroundings.

He sat down beside her with a can of beer and repeated her name a few times to grab her attention. Looking over her shoulder when she didn't respond, his eyes skimmed over the message on the screen then he waved his hand in front of Willa's eyes, finally bringing her back to reality. When she looked towards him, he wore a surprised expression. "I can totally understand why you did not hear a word I just said."

"Sorry about that." Willa said.

"How long have you been looking at that email?" Archie asked.

"Well, it came through when I was checking my emails at seven-past-eight and it is now - " She looked at the laptop's clock. "Currently three-past-nine."

"Ok. Wow." Archie sipped at his beer. "Do you think she wants to get back together? Or is this just a friendly thing?"

"I don't know! That's what I've been thinking about!" Willa exclaimed.

"But she's with her ex, isn't she?" Archie asked.

"Last I heard, yes." Willa stated.

"So maybe it's just a friendly thing?" Archie suggested. "But she does say that she's been thinking about you recently and she also says that Harley Quinn is the reason you two met, suggesting that this is special for you and for her." He rubbed his chin. "Oh this is a hard one. No wonder you've been thinking about this for an hour." He took a long sip of his drink and after gulping said "Either way, I think you should go."

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