Assignments 2

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This is important make sure you have enough time to write them properly.

If you don't know about something for your assignment ask someone whether it is a classmate, tutor or lecturer.

If you get them early or with a long time until they are due there is normally a reason.

If you get an assignment before a break make sure you know how to do it as you may not always get help or they could respond slowly making it harder for you.

If you get more than one plan it out and give time to each class. I normally work on the ones due next first or will do alternating days/hours on each class.

Learn where the points are being added the most to get the best results.

Don't waffle, most of my assignments have word counts and I struggle to stay under the maximum.

References are important and must be done right, I can lose marks if they are wrong.

Spelling, punctuation, grammar and making sense can also affect your results, proofread and if you can have someone else check it too.

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