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"You guys are to cute together." Jenna says through the phone.

"Thanks Jenna." I chuckle.

"Well I better go, I gotta dress up as Mily Cyrus and come in like a wrecking ball." she sighs, as I laugh.

"Bye Jenna." I say, as we hang up.  

So, a little mini update, me and Connor have been going only for 2 days, not long at all.  Everyone knows now, and I've been getting more hate then ever.  It sucks getting hate, because you realize that there are people out there who basically want you dead because your dating there celebrity crush.

Although that sounds stupid, its true.  I'm sure some people would happily get rid of Lia to get Jc, although I wouldnt let them, Lia's my bestfriend, what can I say?

But with me, people have basically sent me death threats already, it hasnt even been a full 2 days yet.  But, I love Connor, so I cant let it get to me.

I know, I'm dropping the 'l' bomb very early in the relationship, but, I do love Connor, I've loved him for many years now.  Our friendship was just, it was very strong, and sometimes I felt as if we were dating, even though we werent.

"Scarlett, you alright?" Mom asks, knocking on the door.

"I'm fine, mom." I say, smiling to myself.

"Okay, if you need anything just call me, or as you kids like to do these days, 'text' me." she says, as I laugh.

"Okay mom, I got the message." I laugh.

"And Connor's here." she says, as I furrow my eyebrows.  Then, I see the door open, revealing Connor.

"Hey pal." I chuckle, as Connor closes the door behind him.

"Chum." he smiles, shaking my hand, as I laugh.

 "Whats going on today?" I ask, as he sits next to me in my bed.

"I'm very tired today actually, I was thinking we could relax." Connor says

"Why not." I say, as I then hear the doorbell ring. "I'll be right back."

I run downstairs, tripping over a towel and falling down the stairs.  I curse under my breathe, but then get back up and run to the door.  I swing the door open, and see him.

"Hi Scarlett." he smiles sweetly.  He never was a bad man, just, he worked my father to hard, he didnt mean for it to happen, it just did.

"Hello Mr. Hemsworth." I smile.

"Um, here, its the money for the month.  And I'm so sorry, everyday I think about this and it hurts." he says, tears in his eyes.

"Its okay Mr. Hemsworth, it was a mistake." I smile, tears now in my eyes.  I give Mr. Hemsworth a hug, then he goes off, back to work.

My father as you know, commited suicide when I was 16, on my 16th birthday, actually.  One reason he did it was because at work, he was one of the best employee's there.  He had many more tasks then the man who stood next to him, and he had to keep stuff managed well.  Mr. Hemsworth started working him to hard, and his peers in work would always trip him, push him around, but Mr. Hemsworth didnt see any of it.  

There got to a point where dad couldnt take it anymore, so he took his own life.

Thinking about all of this got me overwhelmed, I slide down against the door, and silently cry.  Why did this have to happen to dad?  He was such an amazing person, I dont know why those people did what they did to him. 

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