Cookie Word: Inspire

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     What does it mean to inspire?

     Dictionary time:

     *to influence, move, or guide by divine or supernatural

     *to exert an animating, enlivening, or exalting influence on

     That is dictionary explanation.

     But how does this apply?

     We, us inspire others through anything. Most especially with the words we speak. Be it our family, friends, classmates, aquaintance and those in our life.

       Not only them but what about the poeple you have seen?

       Those who are down, those who are hurt and those who need someone. We cannot wait for someone to help them but us who sees this people must

   "Speak Life"

    Speak to inspire someone. Be careful with your words because what you think is fine, is not, to the other person.

   "Speak Life"

    Words could "also" define a person's way of living.

    "Wrap  your words of life and love"

     It goes with your action too. Your words must come from your heart and be put into action.

     Not just through words do we speak life but through any action that could help.

    "Words are not just words but they are words that could inspire or destroy a person"

     Some of us don't realize this but each of us heard and felt those words from someone. Either to boost the confidence or to hurt.

     "So speak life"



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