Chpt 23 : Getting heated in the Bunker

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Brianne and I head into her room where she insists that she dress me up. I shrug it off, deciding that it wouldn't be the worse thing to happen..again.

She forces me into a short bib dress that's a maroon-like color (above) and then does my makeup. She uses glitter golds and blacks, paints my lips in a maroon to match the dress and by the end of it I look stunning. She's amazing with a makeup brush.

She does herself next putting on a slightly longer navy blue dress and putting on silver glittery makeup. We look good. I smile softly at her, "you made me beautiful" I tell her. She shakes her head, "honey, I just enhanced your beauty" she says. I wince, "I'm not beautiful" I say slightly monotone. She blinks at me, "are you fuckin' serious?" She says aghast. I nod at her confused. Why wouldn't I be serious?

"Ladies—! Shouldn't you be on your merry little way?" Liam calls to us. Brianne rolls her eyes, "why? You planning on having sex with some poor unsuspecting girl while I'm out?!" Brianne questions him, yelling back. Liam appears in the doorway, a soft smirk on his lips, his eyes rest on mine, "so what if I am?"

Brianne makes a gagging noise and then grabs my wrist, pulling me along. My heart makes a weird thump. She tried to convince me to change into heels but I refused, I can't take my sock off. So instead I wear converse. I probably look ridiculous with one long sock and one short. They're both black though, so that's good.

"You two look beautiful, by the way.." Liam calls to us as we're leaving. I feel my skin flush a little. Ugh.

"Thanks moron" Brianne calls back, faking a gag. But the door probably closed before he could hear it. She lives pretty close to the school so we walk over, her complaining the whole time because she's in heels. Once there we jump into my car, luckily I was smart enough to grab my keys and slip them into my sock earlier.

I drive home, fearing for the worst. What if mom kills me? What if she hurts one of my friends?? I can't handle this stress, I'm such an idiot, I should've said no. Why did I drink so much?

"—calm the fuck down" Brianne snaps me out of my head. My knuckles are white against the steering wheel and I bit my cheek on the inside pretty hard.

"What is going on with you?" She questions me, a hand on my thigh. I shake my head, "I'm fine, sorry" I tell her. I can see the look she gives me from the corner of my eye, but I ignore her. Anyways, we're here.. so despite how I feel, this is happening.

We walk up to the front door, my heart pounding. I unlock it, walking inside and immediately poke my head into the garage, looking for cars. My entire body feels like it releases tension. Moms car isn't home. Thank god.

"Ehh, what're you doing?" Brianne asks, peeking her head into the garage too. I shrug at her and head to the kitchen. In the fridge and etc I find treats for us and immediately start cooking and preparing random snacks. Brianne searches my house for games after I tell her that I don't know where they are or even if they're unpacked yet.

The door starts ringing an hour or so after we got here. Xander is first to walk in, Derek follows in after him. They bring me a jar of honey. Cuz that makes complete sense..? And Xander hands me a whole bunch of lemons. It's honestly the most random gifts I've ever gotten but I smile at them and thank them regardless. Xander waves it off like an idiot and gives me a wet kiss to my cheek. Everything about the situation is weird.

Next Henry arrives, kissing me on the hand and handing me a gorgeous bouquet of white roses with a single red rose in it.

"What's the single red rose mean?" I question him but he just smiles and winks at me, walking away. I go and place them in a vase of fresh water, confused. Right as I set them down the door rings again.

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