chapter 17

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Noami's POV

"This is not a prank." Tray said throwing all the cameras onto the bed.

"Tray!" I yelled as he went back into the closet.

He grabbed his suitcase and came back out. "I'm done Noami."

"But why? You're not giving me an explanation." I said through my tears.

"You want an explanation? It's because the sex is dead. There's nothing there anymore and I'm bored of you." he stated.

I rolled over and woke up. I looked at my phone and it was 3 something in the morning. I just had to get up and walked around after having that dream.

"Where you going?" Tray asked as I got out the bed.

"To walk around." I said leaving out the room quietly so I won't wake the kids.

I went to the fridge and grab a bucket of ice cream with some Oreo cookies. Few minutes later, I heard footsteps coming from the stairs.

"Is everything alright?" Tray asked coming to sit next to me at the island.


He looked me and grabbed an Oreo. "You're up at 3 something eating ice cream and cookies. What's the matter?" he questioned.

I smiled. "I just had this dream that I'm hoping won't come true." I stated.

"Okay. What was it?"

"You divorced me and your explanation for doing so was that the sex was boring and you got bored of me." I said.

He chuckled, took my hands, and kissed them. "Let me tell you something. If the kids wasn't sleeping with us, I'll show you how boring you are." he said making me smile.

"You're not boring by a long shot. You walked in my office trying to seduce me. You call that boring? Let alone, I gave you twins. I wouldn't do that to someone who's boring."

"Okay but if we're going to be married forever...

"If? We're going to be married for a long time. Death do us part." he said interrupting me, causing me to laugh.

"I'm just saying that you might just do get bored of me. Who knows? We can't predict the future."

"YoU CaNt pReDiCt ThE fUtUrE." he said mocking me. "You can't but I can. Noami, you fell the realize that we've been having sex since we were teenagers.." he stated.

"You do the math because I ain't doing it. It's too damn early in the morning." he making me laugh.

"Going on nine years." I said.

"Exactly. You think I'm bored? Fuck no. Matter of fact, I'm going to show you how boring you are." he said grabbing my hand.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Just put the ice cream away." he stated and then went upstairs.

I put the ice cream and the cookies away, then went upstairs.


I walked into the room but Lizzie was in the bed with Tyrone. So I walked into the guest room the Lizzie was in. The guest room she was in which was my old bedroom when I lived with Stacy and Macy.

"Tray?" I stated again.

I walked into the bathroom where the tub was running water and bubbles were forming. "Tray, what are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm bout to show you how boring you are." he said. "Come here." he said motioning his finger.

I came closer to him and smiled. "Take my clothes off." he stated.

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