New start

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Today I was going to start school. I woke up at 7 to get ready. I walked to my closet and decided to wear my dark blue tank with my "Everything Is Awesome" flannel, my black homies beanie, my black studded converse and shorts. I loosely curled my light brown hair and put on my beanie. I grabbed my backpack and walked out of my room, same time as Daniella.

"Good morning" Daniella greeted

I rolled my eyes and went downstairs.

Daniella was a jean skater shirt, a white crop top that said "Be In The Moment", hair up in a pony tail and black vans.

I went to the kitchen and saw food on the table.

"Yum" I said

Frick I wasn't supposed to talk, oh well I guess.

"Good morning" My dad said

I smiled

"Good morning Aubree". Miranda greeted

My smile came into a frown.

"Aubree". My dad said sternly

I faked smile

"Let's go eat". Miranda said

I ate waffles, eggs and orange juice. After about 30 minutes I- I mean we were off to school.

~ At school ~

My dad dropped us off. I got out of the car and walked inside.

"Wait up!" yelled Daniella

I just kept walking. As I was walking to the main doors, I was being stared at.

"I'm fabulous I know". I yelled so everyone could hear

A few people laughed.

"What do you think your doing!" Daniella asked

"Being myself and not being a fake". I answered

Daniella stopped walking, I kept walking till I was at the office. Once I entered there was a lady around her 30's at her desk. I walked up to her.

"How may I help you?" She asked

"I'm new here". I said

"What's your name?" She questioned

"Aubree Matthews". I answered

She typed my name in her computer. She clicked a few things and the printer started to print.

"Here's your schedule, Ms.Matthews". she said

She handed me a piece of paper.

"Here's a lock for your locker". I said

She gave me a lock and another sheet of paper.

"Would you like someone to help you find your way?" she asks

"Sure?" I said

"Ok have a seat while someone comes".

I took a seat in a little waiting area. It was really simple, chairs, magazines, and a tv.

~ 5 minutes later ~

"Hi are you Aubree?" A girl asked, she had long black hair with purple tips, green eyes, she was kinda tall. Her style was like punk rock, she was wearing a Pink Floyd shirt with dark jeans and black vans.

"Who wants to know?" I questioned

"Me" she answered

"Who is me?" I ask

"Lena". she responded

"Well Lena, it's nice to meet you". I greeted

"Ok well let's get going". Lena said

I got up and we started to out out of the office.

"So what's your locker number?" Lena asked

"2533" I answered

"I think we might be locker neighbors".


I guess.

We walked down a lot of hallways till we reached my new locker. I put my things in my locker.

"So where's everyone?" I asked

"I'm not sure". Lena answered

I grabbed a notebook, a folder and pencil.

"What's your first class". she questioned

I looked through my schedule. I have math first hour.

"I have math". I said

Lena started laughing.

I'm soo confused.

"What's so funny?"

"All the fish sticks are in that class".

"Fish sticks?"

"The 'popular' people".

This should be fun.

"Well let's go!" I yelled

Lena laughed.

We walked down more hallways until we reached C123.

"Good luck" Lena laughed

I heard laughing and talking, I walked in and everyone got quite and looked at me. Let's say I'm different from all the girls in the class room. All the girls had blond hair, blue eyes or brown eyes and tan. Let's also say I'm not the tannest girl here. The guys in the room we're cute.

"May I help you?" I think the teacher said

"I'm Aubree Matthews, I'm new here". I said

"Welcome, take a seat next to Abby". the teacher said

"And who's Abby?" I asked

A girl with blond hair and blue eyes raised her hand. She was sitting by a window. I sat next to her.

"Aubree, why don't you tell us about yourself".

I smiled

"Well I love skateboarding, I love books and hate movies". I said

"Your such a nerd". someone said

Hahaha this is gonna be funny.

"It's better being a nerd then being stupid". I proudly said

The girl gasped, everyone else oohed and I smiled.

"Now girls let's just calm down". the teacher said

"Calm down! She called me stupid".

"I sure did". I happily said

Everyone laughed.

"Ashely calm down, you too Aubree". the teacher demanded

"Yes sir". I said

The teacher started the lesson.

This is a new start.

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