September 5th

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Hi hi! Today I'm using the song silent scream. I think it is important to let people be who or what they want...unfortunately I seem like that never happens in this world of our.

Expectations, dream, future, school, jobs, life, clothes, gender, sexuality and so so much more. The points Chimi mentioned are just some of the issues people are judged on.

Expectations- Whether you are an only child or have siblings, you will have expectations from parents, family, and people of the same age. It can be hard to go one direction when everyone else says the other, when boys or girls your own age are all the same, yet you are different. It becomes hard to be you when nobody seems to like you for you (even though someone will except you).

Dreams & Future- Growing up kids are told 'dream big' or 'you can do/be anything' and sometimes 'you will have a happy future as long as you follow your dreams' (these may not get said to every kid...but oh well). As kids we are told to have fun and test are limits, but as we get older are dreams seem to be turned into fairy tales, and the future that we should aim for is now 'a stable future with a lovely family'. Weather because they have your 'best interest at heart' or 'only want the best for you' it becomes apparent that what you want is not always what anyone wants for you. This makes it hard to see past the present and into the future, it can make it hard to dream for yourself. No matter what choice you make you will feel like your fight and up hill battle. I would like to say 'pick the choice with will regret the least' or 'pick the choice that will make the fight worth it' but we are only human, and we cannot always pick for ourselves.

School- School. The whole concept of school will vary on the school your in. What your judged on, who judges you, who support you, who suppress you, and most importantly
It does not matter if you are male or female, a young kid or a teen, your school environment WILL strengthen or break you emotionally or mentally. Some school do let you express your individuality, some 'seem' as if they do, others suppress you and try and make you like the 'normal' standard...but why?

Why is being who or what you want so bad? Why is it not except? I wish I had the answers to these questions...but I don't....Chimi will never understand, Chimi will never understand why.

I will continue with the other topics tomorrow, as these are quite emotional topics, and I feel like the next ones will become hard to write.

If anyone if have any problems and what to talk, or if this chapter has upset or offered you, then please let me know. I hope that this chapter does not make anyone feel bad, all I want to do is make people happy 😊

It's ok not to be ok! It's ok to talk! If you need anyone to listen to you, then just message me. I may not BEABLE to reply straight away, but I will definitely reply before 24 hours (probably before 12 hours).

Hope you have a great day, week, month, year! Chimi out~

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