Forming a rescue plan and reunion

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Saphira pov
I groaned as another one of guards punched me in the gut and another guard yanked my hair forcing my head to stay up while they were demanding information and answers about weapons they want to use for violence against the public and Voltron, and the weaknesses of the voltron lion's I just growled, stubbornly, painfully, and angrily yelling "GO TO HELL" only to be slapped in the face and electrocuted by a rod causing me to scream out in pain my pain also being caused because of all my other injuries from previous torture & interrogation times. Just as someone probably Wade said "enough for now" I fell into a painful unconsciousness dreaming of my little brother and how simple life was before all this craziness.
Daniel pov
For once I was nervous about a mission since normally I'm more excited but since it involves my sister I'm more nervous and worried about what will happen if Wade finds out that we are coming for her and he hurts her even more than he probably already has. Shaking my head lightly to put a stop to those nerve wracking thoughts I focused more on what Keith was saying about finding a way into Wade's base on Earth being a little goofy I mumbled "if only we were small enough to crawl through the ventilation shafts it would be a some what piece of cake" Keith just gave a small grin and replied "if only it were that easy and I don't think we would be able to pass as a guard and cadet since they check names and background" I just groaned until I remembered something and asked "what about the back entrances like were they unload the supplies and everything" he looked up surprised and pulled up the back entrances putting a smile in place he answered "that will work for this part of the plan now where will we put the black lion" I grinned and happily replied "camouflage the lion and have it stay under the platform" knowing that I surprised him I happily said "I have a brain for these things thanks to my sister, I would just rather not use it often after all I like being a goofball" he just shook his head and replied "your just full of surprises aren't you Daniel" I just grinned while nodding my head.
Keith pov
As I shook my head at Daniel, I thought that just maybe having his sister around will make him open up a little more and trust us more with what we would think of his thoughts and idea's even if they are a little scatter brained at times. I snapped out of my thoughts as Daniel thoughtfully suggested "maybe we should get Pidge involved" I looked at him with a curious gaze until it clicked about why he would say we should get Pidge involved because of all the security and possibly some data on attack plans that Wade will most likely have at the base, so I nodded at the suggestion and motioned for him to contact Pidge while I pulled up the the outline of the back entrance to the base, once Daniel ended the call we only had to wait a few minutes and then Pidge walked through the door and asked "what's the situation" Daniel looked at me with a sheepish and almost timid gaze so I turned to Pidge and said "see for yourself" and pulled up the three images and zoomed in on Daniel's sister making Pidge look from the picture to Daniel and back to the picture before making the connection himself and while looking at Daniel said "well u learn something new every day, I'm guessing she's your sister" Daniel just nodded his while saying "Saphira is my older sister" Pidge looked at me with a "what is going on" look so I said "Wade has her because she has high skill with weapons, knows the weaknesses of the lions, and knew where I was hiding" Pidge looked at me with a surprised look but quickly shook it away while saying "it's a rescue mission then" both of us just nodded while Daniel added "plus she's pretty smart and as a knack for getting and staying out trouble while planning out training outlines and tactics" me and Pidge looked at Daniel with pure shock on our faces in which he replied "what I can't help it if my sister has a brain and kinda taught me some of what she knows especially training and certain tactics" both of us just stared at him with shock very obvious on our faces which quickly vanished when we fell on our backs, both of us sat up only to be met with a smiling Daniel who had a michevious look in his eyes we grinned back as we got off the floor. Pidge went to the controls and started looking at the outline of the back entrance and quickly said "I'll keep an eye on things in green lion while you two head down with black lion to get your sister" I nodded and me and Daniel went to black while Pidge ran to green and we took off towards Earth cloaking the lions as we entered the atmosphere.
Pidge pov
I checked the security on the back entrance and saw that they would have a 10 minute window to hide the black lion under the platform connecting to Keith's voltcom I said "u two have a 10 minute window before security gets tight so make it count" he responded "we plan to make it count" watching them fly towards the platform I heard Daniel thoughtfully say "if they are performing interrogation then they should either be on C level or D level" I checked the levels he had said and saw that one cell on level D had triple the normal security I winced before hacking into the camera that is in the cell and right then I was very grateful I had left breakfast at home seeing how wounded and tormented the girl is multiple electrical wounds were visible, some bruises were there but I knew there were possibly more hidden, and then there were the cuts and other wounds I calmly said "be careful you two level D is where she is and there is triple security at one cell on that level" I heard Keith grumble about crazy security while Daniel asked "was there a camera in the cell or no?" I sighed knowing he would ask that I softly "yes there is I already hacked it and Daniel she's going to need medical help the second we get back to Arus she's in really bad shape right now and not conscious from what I could see" I heard a "damn it" on the other end from the worried teenager while Keith said "alright once were out we leave at full speed Daniel your going to have connect your voltcom to both lions for this to work" Daniel replied "got it" I nodded in reply as they hid under the platform and scaled the platform swiftly before racing for the doors entering the building. I quickly set to deactivating or putting false images on the security cameras and deactivating the traps that were in their path before searching the data base for any attack plans, black mailing on any of our allies or the Alliance members, any files regarding the lions and Arus amongst other things that would be important I grumbled about how much information is in the data bases.
Keith pov
As we were racing through the halls I could tell Daniel was getting anxious about this whole mission he was worried about his sister and I don't blame him at all judging by how Pidge sounded when he told us what he saw on that camera her wounds are serious and possibly fatal if not treated right away. We stopped at the the corner of Level D I glanced around the corner seeing all the guards posted outside the door I twisted back looking at Daniel who was looking up I followed his gaze and smirked seeing the vent above us I said "I'll cause a distraction out here you get in that vent and get to your sister once you have her run like all of hell is on your tail understood" he nodded in reply saying "good luck don't get killed" I shook my head before helping him up hearing the vent cover being moved I tossed him up a little hearing him enter the vent shaft I activated my voltcom causing my swords to appear I ran out from our hiding spot and started attack the guards using all of my training and more importantly common sense after about twenty five minutes I saw the door to the cell get blown off its hinges knocking out a few of the guards I felt a gust of wind before feeling a tug on my wrist I smirked deactivating my weapons threw a smoke bomb and let myself be tugged along by our very own roadrunner getting us out of the building and into the black lion once we stopped I shook my head to clear it from the rush I went to the controls while Daniel got his sister settled in the chair while also carefully wrapping her more visible wounds that were bleeding before moving over to me asking "how do I connect my voltcom to the green lion" I showed him how to do that and it worked and just like that black and green blurs raced through the sky as alarms began to sound I smirked along with Daniel and Pidge at how well this rescue mission went I said "now let's get home shall we" I got a chorus of agreements from the two as we flew at top speed thanks to Daniel's voltcom we arrived on Arus in ten minutes flying the lions into the hanger Daniel went flying out of black lion with his sister cradled in his arms heading for the infirmary, Pidge and I raced after the frightened and worried teen passing a startled Lance and Hunk while seeing Vince race after Daniel after catching sight of the blurring teenager with Allura following them and when we finally got to the infirmary all of us were out of breath and leaning down to try and catch our breath.
Allura pov
After we had finally caught our breath from chasing after Daniel down to the infirmary and Keith had brought the rest of us up to speed on what had happened this morning we could hear concerned voices coming from the room with Daniel giving specific details on what medicine's his sister is allergic to and her medical history before he came out with a worried look and before the door closed we caught a glimpse of his sister and I nearly choked on air seeing some of her wounds then the door closed Vince moved over to Daniel asking "is it really her Daniel" the violet eyed teen nodded replying "yes Vince it's Saphira she's finally away from Wade and his crazy lot" Vince had a small grin on his face before Lance asked "so an older sibling Daniel, how come you never mentioned her before?" His gaze drifted towards the door as he answered "because the memory of her being forcefully captured was too painful to remember and the nightmares were even worse because in them she wasn't captured she was either tortured in front of me, killed in front of me, or both those nightmares would sometimes cause me to wake screaming or crying in the middle of night when I was younger now I just wake up in cold sweat and a racing heart" I flinched at his words hearing what he had to go through because of Wade was heartbreaking and worrying it makes me wonder what else Wade has or would do to make people suffer I just really hope Saphira gets better and that Daniel will be alright now that she is safe here with us on Arus.
No one pov
Everyone who was outside the infirmary doors were shocked by what Daniel had said Keith was worried yet understanding about why Daniel kept information about his sister to himself, Pidge was horrified by the nightmares Daniel had to suffer through as a child and still suffers from even now, Hunk was saddened and angry about what Daniel and Saphira have been put through by Wade, Vince was glad that Saphira was here on Arus with Daniel and was really hoping that she pulled through for her little brothers sake, Allura was thinking about setting up a room for Saphira and would ask Daniel what she likes, Lance was feeling rather protective of the two siblings cause of the hell they have been put through by Wade. Everyone was really hoping Saphira pulled through because it would really help Daniel and Saphira could finally start to put her life back together along side her little brother again.

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