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Sidney glared at Rena down the hall while Dinah groaned and sat up on the floor, leaning on her elbows. She blew a strand of purple hair out of her face and joined her captain in glaring the blonde girl who'd thrown her across a corridor.

"You're so tiny, how did you even lift me?" Dinah asked in confusion.

"Is that seriously your problem right now?" Sidney raised an eyebrow at her.

"What the hell is going on?" Darren towered over his wife and looked outside.

Rena's expression softened. "I'm so sorry! I... I didn't mean to! I just wanted to go talk to Nyara and Dinah wouldn't let me! It was my time for a break and I've been working like crazy and after our discussion I remembered my sister and my nerves haven't exactly been well since..." she frowned.

"Yeah, right! I knew Tara! She was nothing like you! As if you could be related to someone like her!" Dinah yelled at her from the floor.

Rena's expression looked stricken and she gulped, blinking rapidly. She almost looked terrified as she turned to face Darren. "You told her? I thought I could trust you!"

"I needed to make sure your story checked out." Darren defended himself, though he looked guilty to have talked about Rena's past with someone else behind her back.

"How could she even know about that?" Rena faced Dinah, who got up and dusted herself off.

"Well, I guess the cat is out of the bag! I was with the Stars once, kid. Your sister was an awesome person. Judging from you, she got all the awesomeness in the family. No wonder she never mentioned you." she crossed her arms.

"You have no idea and no right to talk to me like that, especially when it comes to my family!" Rena stomped her foot, clenching her fists. Sidney and Darren glanced at each other.

"Oh, please! You're the same age she'd be if she was alive, right? You're supposed to be twins and you don't even have the same last name! I bet she changed it just to avoid the embarrassment of sharing it with you."

Tears started welling up in Rena's eyes and the rest of the crew started making their way to the source of the noise.

"You don't know Tara like I did," her voice cracked "and you have no clue what I went through when she died. I lost my family that night."

A sudden silence took over the suddenly quiet hallway. The news could be heard clearly from Sidney and Darren's room and Rena glanced inside. She glared at the screen, which was showing Ron Bowns, and turned to run away.

"Run like the coward you are. Tara never ran from a fight." Dinah rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, she did. But you wouldn't know that, would you?" Rena muttered, giving her a sideways glare. "Besides, you said it yourself. I'm nothing like Tara. My sister is dead and you've done a great job at reminding me."

"I'd rather have her here than you."

"Yeah, me too." Rena frowned and kept walking.

"It all makes sense now, though. She surely joined the Stars to get away from you."

"Let's see who's going to get me away from you!" Rena shrieked and lunged at her again. Dinah was soon pinned on the floor, taking one punch to the face after the other.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2019 ⏰

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