Chapter 3

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The puppet spoke again "I'm sorry about that, Emily and Emma." The puppet gave me and Emma an apologetic look "B.B can be quite the handful and annoying.". I have to admit, that Balloon Boy kiddo Sure was annoying. But that is because all he would do is laugh and say "hello" or "hi". Emma only smiles at the puppet and says "No need to apologize.". I only nodded in agreement. The puppet smiled and giggled "Alrighty then, and since this wonderful day belongs to you two adorable dead children, I shall lead you to the party room.".
Am I going crazy or did i just hear the puppet say adorable dead children? I look at Emma. She's just being her usual "cute" self. I looked up at mom and dad. They were just acting casual. I shrug it off as if I heard nothing. As I began to turn back around to look at the puppet, my mother began to speak. "Is it okay if me and my husband leave? We have a meeting to go to." My mother asks politely. The puppet looks at my mother with wide eyes. "Already?! The party didn't even start yet..." the puppet whimpers. My mother nods with a look of regret. "Well alright... just know that you two will be missing out on a lot of fun." The puppet sighs. Mom and dad nod because they are fully aware that they are going to miss out on a lot of fun. Mom and dad say their goodbyes and see you laters before they leave. "Let's go to the party room and get this party started!" The puppet said once our parents left. Once it said that all our faces lit up.

Words: 291

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