Chapter 4

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It took us to a room with six tables that have a pretty polka dot patterned table cloth on it, there were cups and plates with cool patterns, balloons were everywhere that were in many different shapes like hearts and stars. Six of me and Emma's friends were patiently waiting at on of the tables. All their names are Neon, Murray, Evangeline, Ganske, William and Trent.
Neon has ocean blue hair, seaweed green eyes, snow white skin, and he usually wears blue and black clothes. The cool thing about Neon is that he is a Neko, so that means he has a cat tail and cat ears. His ears and tail are blue like his hair.
Murray has dirt brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, light skin, and he usually wears a blue hoodie. Murray is like Neon but instead of being half cat he is half lion just like his father, so he has a lion tail and lion ears.
Evangeline look a lot like her twin brother, Murray. The only difference is the skin colour, Eva's skin colour has a tint of purple, she's also a neko like Neon, but her tail and ears are purple.
Ganske has jet black hair, ocean blue eyes, white skin and she always wears a white dress. She has a tattoo on her wrist that says '009'. Her powers are telekinesis and telepathy.
William has blonde hair, the tips of his hair is blue and red. His eyes are blue, his skin is a nice creamy colour. He usually wears a red hoodie and green baggy pants.
Trent looks like his older brother William but his hair is green and he wears a blue hoodie and purple pant like jeans.
Once we entered the room Evangeline was right in front of us. She tackles me onto the ground and sits on my stomach. Eva smiles at me. "I win again!" She giggles. Her voice sounds kinda deep and echoey but majestic... honestly that doesn't surprise me. I'm guessing it's her mother's fault since she is a demon, neko, dragon, dog, bunny, chreetah, human... all different kinds of creatures. But she looks human. Luckily.
I never met Eva and Murray's mother... maybe I will today since she works here in the pizzeria.

Words: 380

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