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Harry sat in detention. Alone in the room, by himself and wondering when his next meal would be, when all of a sudden, Professor Mack Donald barged in.

"I am a rapist!" He said. "I'm here to chain you up and make you my bitch Harry Potter."

"Oh no," Harry said flatly as he wondered if there would be chicken nuggets in the buffet like last time. "Someone save me."

At that moment, Ron burst through the door, holding up his mighty wand with a determined look on his face. He looked directly at the substitute and bravely challenged him, "Oh no you don't! I am here to save Harry and confess my undying love for him," he clutched at his chest to keep his heart from breaking free. 

Wait, wasn't Ron supposed to be in detention? Harry wondered how the redhead knew he was in trouble. It was almost like they were tied together by some kind of magic. If only he knew how that bond was formed.

"Oh no!" the fake teacher held up his hands in defense, knowing there was no way he could stand against a teenager with bad aim and a history of mispronouncing his spells.

"Alakazam Kapoof!" Ron yelled with a flick of his wand, and in the blink of an eye, the imposter fell to the ground with a defeated cry.

"Oh no, I have been defeated, if only I hadn't messed with the great Harry Potter and his boyfriend."

Harry yawned, "I'm not his boyfriend."

Ron smirked and flashed the raven a grin, "Do you wanna be?"

Harry looked from side to side, searching for something. 

Ron chained the Azkaban escaper so he couldn't get up and watched Harry for a moment, staring at him creepily, suddenly realizing he was a fool for not getting with him sooner. "Is that a yes, or a no sugarplum."

"Oh the answer is yes, I'm just waiting for Voldemort to show up. He's always here at the climax or just as something good happens to me."

"By the way Harry," Ron said with a dramatic look of regret in his eyes, "I accidently put a spell on you, and now you are doomed to fall in love with me and be my soul mate for the rest of our lives."

Harry shrugged, "Yeah, okay."

Ron's faced morphed in confusion, "You aren't mad?"

The raven shrugged again, "Nah, I would have been if this story had played out with us sleeping together and you not mentioning the fact that you put a spell on me until way later, where we probably would have gotten into a huge fight that split us up for a while, just long enough for Voldemort to capture you and threaten me with your life and then possibly kill us both. Then I would have been a little mad, but it didn't happen like that, so we're good."

"That was oddly detailed," Ron said.

"Yeah, I have no idea where that came from, but anyways, lets get married and run off into the sunset together like the happy ending we wouldn't have had if Voldemort had ended up killing us both."

"Okay," Ron said brightly and they locked arms, running down the hall and flipping Mrs. Umbitch off as they did so, just to watch steam come out of her ears.

Hermoine swooned as she watched them go, only a little bit concerned that they appeared to be leaving school in the middle of the day to go do who knows what.

It was in the news later that Voldemort died because he forgot to feed his snake.

And they lived happily ever after.


The end.


Yeah, so I lost interest in writing this story, and I thought it was annoying that so many people wouldn't stop correcting minor details like my grammar or correct genders or names, or colors, spells, blah blah blah. So I decided to discontinue the story. But for the people who have been supportive and not annoying in the comments, I wanted to give them some sort of ending or conclusion. Sorry to those people, but I have a full time job and I go to school full time and I am not going to put effort into something, and waste my time for it, just for a bunch of people to bash and moan about the color of someones eyes, or the fact that I put your instead of you're. So sorry that I'm dyslexic with bad vision and I did the best that I could with a computer that doesn't have great spellcheck. 

Perhaps in the future I'll do a rewrite, but its not likely. 

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