Chapter Three : Part 1

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I turned back around.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

“No mom! Eww.” I bit down on my bottom lip and closed my eyes in hopes of her believing me. I hated lying to my mom but if she knew that I was having sex she would send me on the first flight all the way to my dad’s in California. I quickly walked to the bathroom before she could say anything else.

I closed the door and sighed in relief.

Out of the shower, I took a good look at my face in the mirror. I looked the same but I felt very different. My shoulder length hair was scrunched up in curls as it normally does when I wash it. I loved my big, doll-like, eyes and how my eyelashes curled perfectly around them. I hated my nose though. To me it was too pointy.

I zoomed past my mom’s room and into mines. I was not ready to face her again.

Once in my room, I dressed into some short P.J. bottoms and a tank top. I curled up in my sheets, closed my eyes and took a nap.

I woke up somewhere around eight, to find my phone blinking. I had five missed calls from Syd. Sydney was one of my best friends from school. She was probably worried sick about me since I ditched her last night at the party. She deserved answers, so I called her.

She picked up after the second ring.

“Gen! What the fuck happened to you last night?”

“Nothing! You were pissed drunk and trying to fight everyone at the party. When I tried to get you to calm down you tried to fight me too so I left” I heard her snicker on the other line.

Sydney was the type of drunk who thought she was invincible. In her mind, anyone who stepped to her in any kind of way was only challenging her. That night she had way too many shots and went on a punching spree.

“Left the party? Where’d you go?” she asked concern in her voice.

“I didn’t leave the party, I left you, downstairs. I went upstairs to get away from all the chaos. I’m fine really”

“If you say you are. That party was crazy, I don’t think I’ve ever drunk that much in my life, consequently I’m suffering a major hang over right now…Gen I can’t say another word, my head is pounding, so I’ll call you later?.”

“Yeah, sure.” I hung up the phone.

Upstairs at the party was where I met Chris. A few minutes after I walked in he walked in.

“Oh I honestly thought no one would be up here!” he said before turning around to leave.

“Yeah, I just needed to get away from all that for a little.” I added causing him to turn back around and take a seat on the couch facing the bed where I sat. He was cute. He had on a pink polo, some short jean pants and white Nikes on his feet. I looked down to hide how bad I was blushing.

“Me too, once they started telling everyone to strip their clothes and jump into the pool, I was out of there.”

I laughed a little causing him to smile.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before, you don’t go to Engle Marsh High do you?” I had to ask, if there was a fine specimen like him at old Engle Marsh, I would have been one of the first people to know.

“Nah, I’m Chris” he got up and held out his hand for me to shake. Off the back, I knew he was a gentleman. “I go to Stedman High over there by the Stedman Mall”

“Genesis! Everybody calls me Gen. but Stedman? What are you doing all the way over here?” Stedman had to be at least an hour and thirty minutes away.

“I live like 15 minutes away from this house, I heard there was a party here, and I was bored so I came to check it out, I’m actually zoned for Engle Marsh but Stedman has a better scholarship program for football”

“Oh.” Was all that I could find to say. I bet he has a lot of girls after him, he’s super cute, nice and plays football.

We sat in silence. I was focusing on my feet and how the swung in unison with the sound of the fan spinning. I puckered my lips to the side of my face. I wanted to say something to break the awkward silence but I didn’t know what.

“Do you want a sip?” Chris pulled out a bottle of Vodka, from beside the chair; I wondered where he got it from because I didn’t see him come in with it. “I found this under the sink; we could have a party of our own, here.”

I grabbed the bottle unsure of what to do with it. I whipped my head back and took the longest sip. If I was going to spend the rest of the party with Chris then I needed loosening up and this was the fastest way to do so.

I scrunched my nose at how strong it was. Chris had a smirk on his face. I guess surprised at how fast I chugged it down. He took the bottle and mimicked me.

“Shit that’s strong” he said looking at the bottle in his hand.

The more I drunk the hotter I was feeling. I felt like taking of all my clothes and I can see Chris felt the same by the way he was staring at me.

“It so damn hot in here” I said fanning my face trying to cool down. I felt my face to wipe away the sweat but there was none. In fact, my face felt super dry, almost ashy. After finishing up the bottle Chris grabbed my hand.

We were dancing, drunkenly swaying back and forth to the muffled sound of the music from downstairs. I was trying so hard to not step on his white shoes but I found that the more I tried the sloppier I got. Chris spun me around causing me to lose all balance and fall straight on my ass.

“Whoa, you are wasted!” Chris said helping me up.

“No I’m good, maybe we should get back down to the party, my friend is probably wondering where I went.” I slurred stumbling my way to the door. Chris followed behind me.

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