Chapter Four

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"Gen?" It was my mother outside of my room door. She knocked twice before coming in. I sat up and crossed my legs. "You've been in here for a while now"

"I took a nap and I was on the phone with Syd" I told her.

My mother didn't really like Sydney. She always thought that Syd wasn't too bad of a person alone but me and her together was trouble.

"Hmph" she rolled her eyes. "How is she?"

"She's doing well; can I go over there tomorrow?" She usually says no but I go anyways. I don't see any reason why she would say no though, as far as she knows, I have been doing good both in and out of school.

"Yes you can, come have dinner first" We both got up and I followed her downstairs. "And Gen, make sure this room is clean before you leave."

Sydney had the type of parents that believed anyone was welcomed, so for the front door to be locked was a surprise to me. I rang the doorbell.

"What's up with your door?" I asked as soon as the door opened. "It's locked!"

Sydney was a lot shorter than me. Her brown sugar skin contrasted her bright green eyes. She had dark brown hair that fell midway down her back. Everyone thought she looked like a young Gab Union with green eyes.

"It's my mom, she's tripping out"

She opened the door and led me to the guest house in the back.

I've always been jealous of how big her room was and how private it was from the rest of the house.

I flopped down on her bed.

"What happened?"

"She found out about the party."

I sat up on her bed. Sydney was pacing back and forth.

"How? What did she say", Sydney's mom was not as assertive as my mom so I couldn't believe she found out.

"Yesterday was laundry day, the dress I was wearing at the party was in one of the bins. She smelled the alcohol and confronted me about it. There was nothing I could say to make the situation seem different than what it was." Sydney took a seat on the small couch in the corner of her room. "So she grounded me"

I hate when Sydney's grounded. When she's grounded life goes in slow motion.

"For how long?" I asked.

"Two weeks" we both frowned.

"Dang! Syd. What about the formal? You'll think shell let you go?." Engle held a spring formal every year and this year's theme was casino. There's going to be food, dancing, and games. Everyone was going to be there.

"I really don't know." Sydney stood up and came and sat next to me on the bed. "So, if I do go, I'm going with Michael he already asked me"

"Michael who?" I asked hoping she wasn't talking about the football player Michael. The football Michael, also known as Tyga, was the type of guy to flirt with every girl under the sun, but to never have a girlfriend for more than a few weeks. The weird thing was he didn't really have one of those ‘I slept with her, her, and her' reps. One of my close friends, Maya, went out with him and two days later he was already on some other chick, telling her he loves her. He basically did that in all his relationships.

"The football player. Who else?" Sydney was a looks girl, if he was fine she was there.

"Syd. You know about Michael..."

"It's just a dance Gen, and nobody else asked me" I sighed; Syd
could be so hard headed sometimes. "What about you, who are you going with?"

For some reason, Chris popped into my head. I know where he lives, so I could just go over there and ask him. Would he say yes? I mean we are friends, right.

"Gen?" Sydney was giving me the "snap out of it look"

"I haven't asked anyone yet, I'm still looking" I lied. I didn't want to tell Syd about Chris until I knew for sure what exactly Chris and I were.

"Well, you better hurry up. The formal is this Friday"

"I know". Syd was right, time was running out and I needed a date. So I planned on heading to Chris's after this.

"You know who you should ask? Felix!" I gave her the death glare. How dare she even mention his name. Felix and I had a thing back in middle school until he told the whole school I was really born a boy.

"I don't need your help Syd." I stood up and headed for the door.
"I'll see you at school tomorrow okay."

I got into my car and headed to Chris's house.

The whole ride there I felt like I was going to throw up. I was nervous. I wouldn't blame him if I showed up and he just sent me off. I was rude to him, and I was coming unexpected. I found myself wishing he wouldn't be there so that I wouldn't have to ask him but I wouldn't give myself a hard time later for not at least trying . Did that make sense?

I pulled up into his drive way. I'm thinking about this way too much. I'm just going to walk up and ask.

I blew a nervous breath and walked up his front door.

I rang the doorbell and without hesitation the door opened.

"Genesis?" Chris had no shirt on. I was starting to think he only owned one shirt, the one he wore at the party.

"Hey, Chris. How you been?"

"Good, I guess" Chris had this really confused look on his face. Like he just stepped into a parallel universe. Was it really that surprising to find me here, at his house, in front of him.


"Chris who's at the door" It was a girl. His mom probably. I was getting really nervous, I looked down and took a deep breath. "Who is it?". Startled I looked back up. The door opened wider allowing me to see her. She was beautiful. She was tall. She was also in, what it looked like, one of Chris's oversized T-shirts. It was definitely not his mother

Kay , there it goes, Love it? Hate it? Comment!

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