Chapter One - Three

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"What do you mean you've hired a Nanny? I'm sixteen years old. I don't need another person looking out for me!" I huff and throw my backpack on the floor and grab a bag of chips from the pantry.

"Your mother and I would like to travel some and Bets, Bryant and the twins need someone to watch them while we go out."

"Oh, so the Nanny is for the kiddos," I smack my mouth chomping on chips.

"Technically, the Nanny is for all of you. Your mother has her hands full with six kids, school, PTA meetings, homework, being at either a gym or a ball field and trying to take care of this house," my father wraps his arm around my mom's waist.

"Well, maybe the two of you should've thought about that be for you had six kids."

Dad walks over and smacks me in the back of the head, not hard but enough to get my attention. "What the hell is the matter with you? It's not like you're ever home." He steps up close to me. "And, I better not find a girl in your bedroom again," he whispers, "or I'm going to hire an unemployed bouncer that I know to keep you out of trouble. The nanny will be mild compared to him."

I swig down a can of Pepsi and swallow hard. I know my father, he's the stricter of the two and he means it. He keeps all of us kids in line and dotes on my mother. It's sickening. They've been married all these years and have six kids, yet can't keep their hands off each other.

"She will be here after dinner. Please be downstairs in the living room and help gather the twins." Mom ruffles my hair like she did when I was ten.

My eyes roll and I head up the stairs. "Take your backpack up to your room," my mother yells.

I back track a few steps and grab it off the floor and head back up. I really don't want to be stuck here meeting the Nanny. One of my friends is throwing a rad party that I'm sure my parents will protest to.

Taking a quick shower to wash of the stench from football, I wrap a towel low on my waist and splash on some cologne. The girls at school go crazy over this shit. I have plans on hooking up with Abigail at the party. She's the hottest girl in school and rumor is she has a thing for me. I flex my muscles in the mirror.

"Ford! You have five minutes to be downstairs," my dads voice yells through my door.

I head to my closet and pull the tags off a pair of expensive jeans I've never worn and a blue pullover that's the color of my eyes. Girls dig that shit. I rub the moose through my fingers and apply it to my black hair. "You're such a handsome dude," I give myself a thumbs up.

"Erik, Evan," I yell down the long hallway. "Downstairs now!"

Dad walks by me and pops me in the back of the head again. "I could have done that. Go get them," he points to their rooms.

Their rooms are directly across from each other. I beat on one door and then the other. "Get your asses downstairs now!"

"Watch your mouth," mom says as she walks by holding Bets on her hip and Bryant's hand.

Erik comes out with a sock hat on his head and he's holding a skate board.

"If you ride that on this floor, mom's going to kill you."

He runs past me and I knock again on Evan's door. "Hey, you need to..."

The door swings open and her and Gemma are locked arm in arm giggling about something.

I pass them on the way down and plop down on the big white leather recliner. Everyone else sits on the the L-shaped couch.

A few minutes later the door bell rings and in walks a long-legged beautiful blonde woman. Her lips are pink and full and her hips sway as she walks.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2018 ⏰

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