A\N:SOOOO im writing dis at 2pm and i am watching random vids and my head starts to hurt every often on so if there is any bad spelling ( worse than before ) then sorry, soo heres da story
P.S: i woke up late bcuz i was having a good dream about a book for a Piggeh X Mr. Chair story soooo yea
~Ty's P.O.V
"So Adam what does this makes us now" I asked hoping that he would say where official and not just friends with benefits. "Whatever you want us to be Ty" Adam said "Well.. Adam Dalhberg will you take the pleaser of being my boyfriend?""I do."he said with a huge grin on his face( A\N: I always think of when cry says "fuck no" in flowers for my valentine that cry and pewds read together XD ), I pulled Adam in for a loving, passionate kiss. He swear he saw sparks ( idk at this point ), "Hey Adam I want to show you a youtube video." "Ok Ty common we can go to my laptop and watch it, what is it called?" Adam asked. "Its called "The Life And Times Of Jerome." I said ( A\N: Ive watched the vid like 100 times XD ). "Ok common." We walk upstairs to go watch the video.
Then one day a strange creature walked into town
It came in from the wiilld
It was a half human half chimp hybrid chiilld
And it said
"I am the chimpy child born under a fortunate smile, if we could life in peace then all hatred would chess"
"If we could life with love"
"With the blessings from up above"
"If we could just told hands"
"Maybe then we'll understaand"
And the people
The people
And when the video finished Adam bursted out laughing like a mad man. And we just continued to watch youtube vids untill I said " Hey Adam why don't we make a group of youtubers that make vids together like The Creatures or The Derp Crew?" " Thats a good idea Ty who do you want to add?" Adam asked.
"We should add...."
A\N: Cliff hanger MAWHAHAHAH jk but u gotta love deam damn cliff hangers ;) well im gonna let u guys vote on a extra character ( I'm gonna be one ) its gonna be my friend or boyfriend it can be a youtuber or just a random person
( Option, idk how to spell it ) Hybrid:
P.S: it can be ANY hybrid btw example: Chris, boy, brown hair tan skin skinny/ scrawny, kind not very social, neko

{Discontinued} Team Crafted: Hydrids Together Forever
FanfictionHow does Team Crafted start off in the first place find out that it only takes 2 lovers to make a group of Youtubers called Team Crafted