The person who busted though the door was of course Mark and two of his forced henchmen, Charlie and McDonald ( A/N: idk i just though of a random name XD ). "HEY WHAT DO U THINK YOUR DOIN'." Mark yelled as he grabbed Monique's arm trying to get her. "LETS GET OUTTA HERE MONIQUE," Lily yelled. As she teleported out of there with Ty. "COMMIN, dude let go or else." Monique warned Mark. "WHATCA GONNA DO ABOUT IT BITCH," Mark yelled. "This" Monique said as she was about to teleport Mark got zapped with what seamed to be a purple lighting bolt from Monique's hand. With that we where soon at me and Ty's house( A/N: over the summer they moved in together and Adam is 18 and Ty is 18 not there real ages i know its for the sake of the book don't get ur panties in a twist XP ). "Ok movie night and a PRIZZA anyone.?" Ty asked. "YES WHOO" Monique yelled. "Can one of our friends join in?" Lily asked. ( A/N: I'm losing words, I need words XP ) "Sure, the more people the merrier." Adam replied already going to get a movie.
I told Monique before I left to go get Sahara that to that I'll be back in 10mins. "Ok, sis bring some of Jelly and Violets feed please." Monique said. "K sis is there anything else?" I asked. "O wait heres me and Ty's phone number." Adam said as he gave me a piece of paper with two phone numbers on it. I punched it into my phone ( A/N: I feel bad bcuz I wrote punched XP ). "K ill brb." I said as i left to go get Sarah.
~Sarah ( u weren't expecting that huh ;) )
I got to our base as quickly as I could, trying to make sure no one one the streets could see my wings when I started flying over the forest. When I got to the base i waited for Monique and Lily when Lily came she told me that we where going somewhere i didn't ask why I just went with her. When we got to where Lily had token us I saw two boys and Berry on the floor with 15 movies scattered around them. "Umm...Lily who are they? Are they you and Berry's boyfriends or something?" I asked curious to know who these two boys are."Sarah this is Ty and Adam, Adam,Ty, this is Sarah, me and Berry's friend, no Sarah this is not me and Berry's boyfriend, Ty and Adam are dating." Lily explained to me."O...ok thanks for telling me Lil." I said. "O and by the way Eevee and Kay are coming over." Ty said. "How many people have you guys met today?" I asked, these Lily and Berry have met a lot of people and it's only our first day at this school." Well I met Sky first then he introduced me to Ty and then I introduced them to Lily and they introduced me to Kay and Eevee." Berry explained as there was a knock at the door."THERE HERE" Sky yelled as he ran to the door. "LETS GET THIS MOVIE NIGHT STARTED!" I heard as I saw two girls, one with emo hair and the other with a AmazingPhil shirt on." Hey Sky who is this?" The one with the black emo hair asked Sky. "This is Sarah Eevee." Berry said. "O hai my names Kyra but call me Eevee and this is Kay." Eevee said. "Do you guys need help getting a movie?" Kay asked looking at the movies that where scattered along the floor. "Yes we do." Ty said still trying to decide along with Berry." Lets do a horror movie." Eevee suggested.
'Crap, Eevee wants to watch a scary movie, I guess one movie wouldn't hurt.' "Sure but I might cling to someone's arm during it." I said. "Don't worry sis just have Jelly and Violet clam you down." Lily said trying to have something for me. "OK LETS WATCH THIS MOVIE,! But before we do I'm tried of wearing this hoodie on my head sis can I take it off, and just wear my tee?" I asked because this hoodie is annoying my ears and tail. "Sure sis" Lily said. 'Yes' I thought as I took of my hoodie and just wore my purple tee that said 'Do U Even Ship Bra?!' On it( A/N: can someone tell me if there is a t-shirt that says this that I can buy??? ). "You have cat ears and a tail too?" Sky asked. "Yup and I'm a sorcerer :D." I said as it made a picture of me appear. "O well that means I dont have to hide these." Eevee said has she took off her hat and pulled something out of her pants, which was a tail and she had ears on her head." I'm a eevee hybrid and eevees where my favorite Pokémon before my ears and stuff grew." Eevee said. "Well we all can be our hybrid." Ty said as he took off his wrist bands and grew purple and black wings and tail along with Adam who took off his sunglasses and his eyes where glowing a yellow-white. Ty was a enderdragon hybrid and Sky was a Herobrine one( A/N: Monster by Skillet is playing perfect for this moment ), Sarah let her wings go out and Kay didn't do anything. "Aren't you a hybrid Kay?" Sarah asked. "Yea but I'm a demon and sorcerer one and my form is just my insane side." Kay replied. "OK WELL LETS GET THIS MOVIE NIGHT STARTED!" I yelled.
I feel like this was a really crappy chap, I had writers block writing this so im gonna go my tummy hurts ( YES I USED THE WORD TUMMY IDK HOW TO SPELL THE OTHER WORD BCUZ MY BRAIN HAS DECIED TO MESS WITH ME TODAY MAKING ME CONFUZZLED ).
~Berry the endercat out ✌️✋💨💜 🐱

{Discontinued} Team Crafted: Hydrids Together Forever
FanfictionHow does Team Crafted start off in the first place find out that it only takes 2 lovers to make a group of Youtubers called Team Crafted