Here comes trouble

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^^^ Lexi Cavanaugh ^^^

~ Lexi's pov~
I walked into the cafe and my eyes immediately went to my best friend Riley who was jumping up and down to get my attention. I made my way over to her and sat down.
    " oh my god where were you? I've been sitting here by myself for like 45 minuets!" She sighed dramatically putting her head in her hand.
   "Sorry riles I had detention for the smoke bomb. And why were you alone? Where's Ben?" I asked her looking around for the third member of our trio.
    " He had to make up a history quiz he missed when he was sick last week."
Me, Ben and Riley have been best friends since we were 10, they both transferred to Covington in 4th grade and it was a trio made in heaven.
" Oh you'll never guess what happened in history today"
Riley shrieked bouncing up and down. She went on and on about some guy starting a fight in class. I lost interest pretty quickly, my mind drifting as I stared out the window. I looked at the trees and grass and the landscape outside my mind wandering to what the real outside world looked like. We lived in a bubble, literally. Covington Academy was in a glass dome built when we were in 5th grade. I don't remember what the land looked like before, but I do remember the day the dome was placed. Bombs were going off everywhere, kids were crying, the teachers were panicking and then everything went quiet. We all just stood and watched as the dome came down on top of us. The clear glass giving us a perfect view of the war raging outside. When we woke up the next morning the dome had been painted, very well I may add, to look like and ever expanding country side. The only benefit the dome held was that with it in place we were finally allowed outside.
" Heelloo earth to Lexi" I snapped back to reality as Riley flailed her hands in front of my face. " Are you ok? You've been really spacey lately." Her browns furrowed as she peered into my eyes with hers.
"Yeah sorry I've just been tired I think." I gave her my best smile and she seemed to accept my answer, going back to her story. The truth is that I've had this nagging feeling in my stomach that something was about to change and not in a good way.
" Oh my god. Who is that?" Riley spoke practically drooling. I turned to see what she was talking about and locked eyes with, possibly, one of the hottest boys I had ever seen in my life.
"I have no idea" my voice was hushed and I was still locked in on the mystery man.
"Well he's coming over here" Riley squealed. And she was right, he was bee lining straight for our table. I started to get an uneasy feeling in my stomach as he got closer.
"Can either of you tell me how to get to the office?" His voice was deep and rich and he smelled like pine. I looked at Riley who had turned a deep shade of red before turning back to the mystery man.
" umm yeah you go back out those doors and it'll be your third door on the right." My voice sounded much more cool and collected than I felt and for that I was grateful. He gave me a breathtaking smile and a wink before turning away from us.
"Thanks gorgeous" he said waving with one hand at us as he left.
All I could think. This boy is trouble.

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