Chapter 1

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I feel the cool breeze on my hair and relish in the feeling of peacefulness. I walk through town and pass the deserted shops. The sun has started to rise and it takes my breathe away. I watch the colors as they welcome the sun to a new day.

It feels magical walking through streets that are usually bustling with people. I pull my jacket closer to my body as I start to shiver from the cold. I regret not wearing tights with my dress. That adds another mistake to the already full list. At least I brought a jacket.

When I arrive at the corner of my street, I stand still and appreciate the silence. It's been so long since I have heard silence. I always thought that I hated silence. That is why I would always put something on to get rid of the silence. I thought that when I was in silence my thoughts would run wild. But it's actually peaceful to not have any sound on. It feels refreshing.

I walk down our street and hope that my brother didn't stay up last night. He sometimes stays up all night waiting for me to come home. If anyone sees me, i'll be the talk of the town. That's no surprise, i'm known for being a bit of party girl. I love the feeling of being free and reckless.

Theo, my twin, doesn't agree with my behavior. He thinks going to parties is a waste of time. All he does is study and he never has my kind of fun. He was always the most responsible out of the two of us. Maybe I should do more, to apologies for my behavior. I make a mental note to do something to help him out. He loves me and I know it and I love him.

My younger brother, Jayson, isn't interested in partying or studying. He likes to play video games and play his guitar. Getting good grades comes easily to Jayson. Theo works all night to get good grades and he only does it to get a scholarship at a good university or college. I don't care about my grades but that is probably why I am failing. As I arrive at my house, I see that there are no lights on meaning that Theo isn't waiting for me. I sneakily open the front door and tip toe upstairs.

As I arrive upstairs, I hear the sound of someone crying. I silently walk over to the sound. I open Theo's door to peak inside. I see Theo sitting on his bed holding a picture frame. I sneak in and sit next to Theo. I put my arm around him to comfort him. I look at the picture, it's a picture of the 5 of us. Me and Theo, Jayson and our parents before they died. Our parents died in a car crash a couple of years ago. I try to cheer Theo up but he doesn't acknowledge me. He doesn't even look at me or even talk to me.

Than it comes to me.

Why would he?

I'm dead.



Thank you for reading my story and getting this far. This is my first story and I am so excited to share this story with you. I hope you give this book a try and I will try to get the next chapter published in less then a week.

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