Chapter 2

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This chapter is dedicated to rynthingale. Who was the first to comment and made my day.


I stand up and walk out of Theo's room. My vision blurs from the tears and my hands start to shake. I shakily walk downstairs and make my way past the kitchen and into the garden. I go and sit on the bench and pull the blanket that we left there over my body . 

I sit there, just crying, letting the tears that have been building up inside of me go. I cry because my parents died, because I died, because I left my brothers alone. I cry because everything has been going wrong for so long and I have no idea why all these bad things happen to me. 

When the tears dry up. I don't do anything. I just stare at the garden in a daze and some how I fall asleep. I wake up to the sound of chatter and in my drowsy state I roll over expecting to get comfy in my bed but end up falling onto the wooden planks of the back garden porch. 

I groan and sit up expecting my brothers standing at the door way wondering what just happened. But there are no worried brothers at the door way. I feel my heart break a little as I realize I am all alone. I stand up and walk through the back door. The smell of Theo's cooking floods into my sense and reminds me of home.

I guess I can walk through walls. My sadness is temporally lifted as I learn of my new ghost skill but sadness soon comes rushing back as I see Theo standing by the oven with red eyes. Jayson walks in with his hair sticking in all direction and I giggle and then I notice the bags under his eyes and any laughter leaves my body.

I walk through the house not wanting to see the consequences of my actions any more. I walk through the streets and when I pass the gates to the local park. I stop and turn around to walk into the park. I stand there breathing in the fresh air then my mind gets an idea. Lets try out my ghost skills.

I know I can walk through walls. So, lets see what else I can do. I walk towards a bench and when I try to walk through it. I fall over and end up face planting into the wooden planks of the bench. I hear someone laughing and look up. My heart momentarily stops as I see the person who is laughing. 

Ashton Braxton. 

The most popular and hottest kid in our school watched me fall. If I wasn't a ghost already I would've died right now. My cheeks heat up and I get off the bench to look at my injuries. My legs will probably will have a massive bruise but apart from that I am fine. I look up and think of a reasonable excuse for walking into a bench. 

Then it hits me. Ashton is probably a ghost to.

I kinda of feel sad that this beautiful man has died then I remember he is still laughing at me and all the sadness I felt before disappears instantly.


Here is the second chapter. Hope you liked it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2018 ⏰

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