Chapter 1

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Land of Dawn, a place where heroes and villans fight for victory. Miya, an elf, moonlight archer, has come from the Elven Kingdom to the Land of Dawn to avenge her family, and to find a king that is worthy of the throne of the Elven Kingdom. Alucard, a demon hunter, was also there to avenge his parents. Miya was walking through the Dawn to search for something useful. While looking at the trees, she saw red and fresh apples. She picked one and ate it while walking. After a few steps, she saw a man with a huge sword, a blue jacket, and has a handsome look. She was stanced ready to fight him, but instead, the man stood there, emotionless.

Miya's POV

I was going to fire an arrow at him when I noticed that he wasn't moving, instead, he was still and emotionless. I was still in stance when he walked fiercely and quietly at me.

Miya: stop right there...or else...

Unknown: or else what?? You're going to shoot that arrow at me??

Miya: yes...

Unknown: very well, shoot me now.

Miya: really?? You're going to surrender that easily??

Unknown: No...

With a blink of an eye, and as fast as a lightning speed, he was behind me already with his sword on my throat, ready to kill me.

Miya: please don't kill me...

Unknown: give your reason why??

Miya: I need to find a king who is fit to sit on my father's throne.

Unknown: oh, so you're a princess huh??

Miya: maybe...

Unknown: let me help you then, princess...

Miya: I don't trust you freak.

Unknown: hmmp...just try to.

Miya: how can I even trust a FREAK who is about to cut my throat in half??

Unknown: sorry. But before I let you go, you have trust me first. I can be your ally.

Miya: who are you freak anyway??

Unknown: I'm Alucard, and it hurts me everytime you call me a FREAK, so please stop it. And what is your name princess??

Miya: Miya...

Alucard: what a beautiful name, princess Miya. ( sword still at her neck)

Miya: thank you but can you please let go of me??

Alucard: trust me first.

Miya: fine, I trust you.

He then let go of me. I turned around to see him. He was handsome and daring. I felt warmness on my cheeks which I absolutely don't understand.

Alucard: you have a beautiful face princess.

Miya: t-thank you...

Alucard: from now on, I will be your knight in shining armour.

He proudly said that to me. I then felt my heart melting and pounding fast.

Miya: well, if you insist... why are you even being nice to me??

Alucard: because you trust me.

Miya: oh...

Alucard: so where are you going princess Miya?

Miya: well, I was going to find a shelter because it is getting dark.

Alucard: very well, princess, let us find a perfect spot for you to sleep.

Miya: **laughs** will you please stop acting like a royal prince or something and call me Miya instead.

Alucard: alright prin-....I meam Miya...

Miya: good....let's now go find a shelter.

Alucard: okay, Miya.


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