Chapter 11-the training

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As Miya walked to the direction Gusion told her, she found an enormous,  old door which she thought was probably locked.

"Dang, why did that idiot even lead me here??" She thought to herself..

As she reached for the door knob, it was locked-she thought right. There wasn't any padlock or any locks that kept the door secured shut. Infact, she knew it was locked by magic. She was curious.. she can't stay there for long. So she left and continued exploring.

-5 minutes laterrr-

She was in the training room when he saw Alucard punching the wooden dummy. before she even left, Alucard called her name, which made her stood still. She turned to Alucard.


"Wanna train with me??"

"G-Gladly. Let me just change my clothes."

"Okay. I'll wait here."

Miya went to the lockers inside the training room, took shirts and t-shirts for training. And she summonned her bow as she head outside the locker and into the training room.

"Where should I train??" She asked.

"Marksmans train there." Alucard said, pointing left.

"Oh, okay..thanks."

"After were done training, I challenge you to a 1v1." Alucard said..

"Hmm...only on one condition."

"What's that??"

"The loser will have to tell a secret while the winner can do whatever he or she wants."


They both shook hands and Miya went to train so do as Alucard..

-30 min. Later-

"I'm done and I'm ready for a match!!"
Miya shouted.

"Same here" Alucard said smiling evily.

"Let'z start the match here and now then."

"Okay, no running away though"

"Pfftt, I'm unlike those girls out there: so scared of fighting someone so big and handsome like you!"

"Umm-what did you just called me??"

"What do you mean??"

"You said that you're unlike the other girls out there so scared of fighting someone so big and HANDSOME like me."

"Did I said that??"

"Miya sweetheart, don't play dumb with me. I know you mean it."

"Hmmm..I don't really remember it."
Miya said smiling and blushing.

"Enough with this; I wanna see how powerful you are with your bow."

"Heh..let the match..."

Just before Miya finished her sentence, a man with guns and-looks like a cowboy barged in.

"Hello y'all." Clint greeted.

"Hello, Clint." Alucard greeted back.

After that moment, Clint turned his head to Miya.

"Hello, Miya."

"Hello, old man."
Miya and Alucard bursted out laughing.

"Ha.ha.ha." Clint laughed in a  boring..way. "Alucard, Moonton wants to see you."


"Just go and see."

"What about our match??" Miya asked.

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