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"What?" I widened my eyes.

Jungkook grinned and said, "Since, you have feelings for both hyung and I.. you wouldn't mind us doing this right?"

Jungkook started to walked towards me.

I started walking backwards until I hit a hard rock chest. Jimin wrapped his arms around my waist and started leaving small kisses on my neck.

"S-stop.. I didn't agree to this." I squirmed under the hold of Jimin.

"Y/n. If you want the both of us, you must give us equal attention. This is how it will worked if hyung and I are going to share you." Jungkook growled in annoyance.

Jimin tighten his hold on me and leave love bites on my neck.

I gasped.

"Isn't this escalating too fast?" I said.

"Nothing is too fast except when we are deep deep into you, Y/n." Jimin chuckled.

Jungkook place his hands over the forbidden area and started rubbing it. The cloth material of my panties isn't helping at all as it rubbed against my clit.

I gasped.

"I-I P-please..." I squirmed around from the intense pleasure I am getting from the two boys.

Jungkook growled out and said,
"Don't beg kitten.."

"You still haven't answered Jungkook's question. Who is making you feel better huh?" Jimin whispered lowly in my ears.

"N-no one.. ahh s-stop!" I yelled out as the pleasure gets into me so hard that tears starts forming in my eyes.

Jungkook frowned at the sight of my tears as his heart aches.

He didn't like this.

He stopped what he's doing and pushed Jimin off your back to hugged you tightly.

Jimin was confused until he saw your face and guilt flashed across his face.

Jungkook mumbled softly in your ears trying to keep you calm, "Shhh baby.. I'm sorry. I let the jealousy and lust took over me."

I sobbed and I clutch tightly onto Jungkook's shirt.

Jimin eyes soften and went to hugged me as well.

It was warm.
-The Next Day-

The things that occur last night is still fresh in my mind.

Jungkook have left before I woke up but he remembered to left a note at the table beside my bed.

Hey babe, I'm so sorry for last night and that I've got to leave early. I have to meet my parents back in Busan but don't worry I will be back before 9pm. Hope you sleep great. Don't get too hooked up with Jimin hyung or else I'm going to punished you, alright? I love you!
-Your Kook

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