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*Mature Content*

Author's P.O.V

Jimin stood up and pass Y/n her clothes that was thrown to the corner of the bathroom. He grinned as he watched Y/n's leg still wobbling from the orgasm she had earlier on as she climb into the shower.

Jimin left the bathroom only to be slammed into the wall with someone's arms by the side of his head, locking him in place.

He stare at the person's eyes.

He got lost in them as the person started leaning forward.

"Jungkook. What the fu-" Jimin was cut off when Jungkook suddenly pressed his lips onto his.

He nibbles onto Jimin's lip making Jimin gasped. Jungkook took this opportunity to slip his tongue into him and taste every inch of him.

Jungkook shoved his tongue deep into Jimin's mouth, close to meeting his throat which caused him to almost gagged.

Jimin moaned out as Jungkook gripped onto his hair and tugged it tightly.

They are both losing their breath. But Jungkook doesn't want to stop until he is satisfied. They were both breathing heavily when Jungkook finally decides to let go of Jimin.

Jungkook grinned into his bunny smile and winked at Jimin.

Jimin was flustered.

As if on cue, Y/n came out only with a towel wrapped around her body.

Jungkook eyes darken as he stares at Y/n while she jumped up in alarm at the sight of him.

She almost slipped if not for the fast reflex of Jimin.

"Woah, careful princess! You wouldn't want your towel to slip off don't you?" Jimin smirked

Y/n blushed.

Jungkook clenched his jaws as he felt the jealousy boiling inside him.

The feeling of wanting to fuck Y/n so deep is making him lose control. Jungkook grabbed onto Y/n's wrist and pulled her towards her room.

Everything happen so fast that Y/n have no time to react.

Y/n was thrown on her bed as Jungkook hovers over her with his eyes so dark with jealousy and lust.

"So? Did you have fun with Jimin hyung? Did you like how his tongue is into you?"" Jungkook slightly raised his voice.

Y/n shivers at the sight of this Jungkook.

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