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NOTE: Hello !! So for creative writing we had to write a fanfiction TEEHEE lmfao and I obviously did one for Harry Potter and it's like after Sirius dies and he sees Regulus OOF!! my requirement was that I had to write it entirely in DIALOGUE!!! BULLSHIT I KNOW!!! It's brother love plus James and lily are in the beginning I wanted descriptions and fluff and shit but NO !!!1!2!2!1!1 anyways here ya go!!

I hope you enjoy!!

James: I had hoped I wouldn't be seeing you here so soon.

Sirius: Yet here I am.

James: Yet here you are..... It's a shame you got old.

Sirius: Where are we? Is this hell?

James: Do you see fire, you dumb-

Lily: James, knock it off. No, this is not hell Sirius.

Sirius: Then where are we?

Lily: We can't move on to any true form of afterlife because we died while fighting against Voldemort's cause. Our cause is still fighting, it's not over. We can't move on until it is.. Until Harry defeats him.

Sirius: So does that mean anyone whose died because of his cause is here?

James: As far as we can tell, yeah. There's not really a handbook to these kinds of things, we figured it all out when we found other order members.

Sirius: Merlin, it's like it all happened yesterday.

James: I can't say the same, padfoot. You aged.

Sirius: Yeah, prison and time do that, prongs.

Lily: Well, I think I deserve a hug too.

Sirius: Of course, Lily.

James: So, we were watching, but we want to know from you, how's Harry?

Sirius: He misses you, both of you. I don't even know if miss is the proper word considering you both died before he could really know you.

Lily: He's done amazing, I can't imagine what it must feel like....

James: He's my son, of course he's- oW Lily-flower that hurt I was joking. I couldn't be prouder of him..... Youngest seeker in a century!!

Lily: James Potter I swear-

James: You can't lie about how proud you are! He's so good, and he beat Malfoy. That's my son, oh my merlin.

Lily: Maybe be proud of him for not dying?

James: Oh, yeah that too.

Sirius: He's an exact mix of you two, it's incredible.

James: Well... yeah.. He's our kid. Usually-

Sirius: Mate the only thing I got from my family was my looks, and I grew up around them.

James: Okay, fair enough.

Lily: Speaking of your family.. there's someone here we want you to talk to. Well he wants to talk to you and we want that too.

Sirius: Wha-

James: Its Regulus, mate. He's here.

Sirius: But he was a death eater. He shouldn't be here.

James: Lily and I talked to him, on three separate occasions actually. He's not bad. There's a lot that happened that nobody knows. You need to talk to him. He's your brother Sirius. You never had a real relationship, at least not for most of your lives. You're dead now, give it a try.

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