Chapter 5

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hope you like it!!! <33


The Scare


"Oh God.." I said. My heart started racing. It had only been a few weeks since my last..well, 'play date' with Josh. "I'm late." A million things were running through my mind.

I don't know if I was ready to take on a baby--or a kid-or a thing. I could barely take care of myself. My breathing began to get really heavy, palms are now sweaty; fingers shaking, lip trembling, weak knees. It all came to an abrupt halt when--

*Ding Dong* Someone was here. Who? It's Sunday morning, everyone is supposed to be at church. I know I should be.

I walked down the long, wide hallway. The cold marble floor felt like needles touching my bare feet. As I got closer to the door, I spotted Jason. Whew, just who I needed to see. 

"Hey, cutie. What's up? Wanna go to the mall and watch me catch some game?" He said with a wink and a half smile. 

"Not now, I'm scared." I crossed my arms over my stomach and pulled my shoulders inward more over my gigantic hoodie. 

His smile immediately dropped and he stepped inside. I took him upstairs to explain. 

"So, you think you might be pregnant?" He said, while playing with a soccer ball.

Classic jock. Good at every sport--even the special kind. 

"Well, I'm late.." I said looking towards the ground. 

"For what, church?" He said, looking puzzled. 

"No, my period". I said, sounding annoyed. 

"OH.." He said. "So, can we go for a round unprotected?!" He said, looking excited. 

"I would love to..but I'm not sure if I really am--expecting." I said, spitting the words out like they were trash. 

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go find out!" He said, dropping the ball and heading outside. 

Oh, Jason. 

"That'll be $62.11, ma'am." Said the cashier. 

"Did you really need that many?" Jason said, giving a smirk. 

"I wanted to buy the nice ones, and I wanted to double check." I said, while picking up our bag and heading out the door.

Boys don't understand.

"Alright, I wanna know.." Jason questioned. 

"Shoot" I said, in a monotone voice. 

"Let's make a deal!" He proposed. 


"If you are pregnant, I say we should go at it like rabbits--unprotected for the next week." He said, watching my facial expressions. 

"Fine, what hurt could it do?" I said in a slur. 

"Hurry! I'm need to know if I should make plans next week or not!" Jason called from my bedroom into the bathroom. 

"I'm peeing on them!" I yelled.

" " Jason said jokingly. 

"Okay, I took five. That's all of them." I said, nervously. 

"Read the results out!" Jason kept his distance. 

"Negative..Positive.." I took a deep breath. "Positive" My head began pounding. "Negative..Positive.." I said.

This seemed like some of the slowest moments of my life. The fuck is up with these tests?

"So...what does that mean?" Jason walked in.

"I need to see a doctor to be sure, take me tomorrow?"

Jason said, "Fineeeeeeee". Dragging the word out and smiling. 

Monday was the longest day ever. 

"Jasonnnnnnnnnn!" I hollered downstairs. 

"Wha-uttttttttttt!" He hollered back.

"I got the results!" I said, opening the email. 

"What's it say?" Jason hurried up the steps. 

I didn't respond. I just stared at the blinking email notification. I was scared of what was inside. The content may tell me something that will change my life, carreer, jobs, college, everything. I swallowed to feel the largest lump in my throat. 

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