Spider's Den II

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                       Jack entered the guilds home with a kind introduction from the leader.

            “Lord Corthus is my title and this is my Guild Home. Your name?” He asked. Jack took surprise to the great introduction and spoke his title.

            “My name is Jack Baxter; these are my brothers, Weaver, Ellis and Joseph.” Jack said and smiled at Corthus.

            “It is a pleasure.” Corthus said and shook each of their hands.

            The group had broken Crow’s orders and had split up. Jim and the girls had gone their way and The Baxter’s had went to the Guild of Warriors. Everyone looked different inside the guilds home rather than outside. These were definitely not under the order of ‘The Founder’ whoever he was. Jack had no real need to find out; he presumed The Founder was just like any other King.

            The Home was old and rather unorganized despite the guild master’s presentation. The stairs were made of an old wood that creaked as a girl came down them. Various paintings of the countryside hung on the walls. From within the Home’s first floor were sounds of boiling and cooking and brewing. The girl gave the visitors no glance or hesitation but rather fled towards the boiling and cooking and brewing. From what little Ellis could see of the upstairs area it was lit by candle light and had a multitude of furniture cluttered up there.

            Corthus led them in and into a dining area of sorts. This part of the house was much more presentable and Jack was offered a seat in the long table. He took it quickly and with thanks. The rest were offered seats and took them. All of them sat with each other. The girl they had seen before was at the table already a couple seats right of Joseph, the farthest of the Baxter’s right.

            Corthus took his seat opposite The Baxter’s and snapped a couple times at the kitchen area. The ceiling went high into darkness and Jack was fascinated at how the second floor came to a balcony where you could observe the dining table. He saw three little boys watching him then and looked back down at the table.

            “I hear you’ve come with a Demon Hunter, is it true?” Lord Corthus asked and put his elbows down on the table and crossed his fingers of each hand.

            “I don’t know.” Jack said, knowing none of his brothers would respond. “I doubt it since The Legion so deeply insist they don’t exist anymore.” Jack added and glared at Corthus.

            “Oh come now, I’m not governed by The Legion in fact much the opposite and all these knights are very mused by the rumors of the Demon Hunter. I can only presume that the city doesn’t want there to be Demon Hunters, that The Legion doesn’t want there to be Demon Hunters.” He grimaced at Jack from across the table. “Now tell me, is it true?”

            Jack was surprised and didn’t know how to respond.

            “Yes, he is a Demon Hunter.” Weaver snorted and smiled. “It was real neat; I was watching him from an alley way when he saved a girl from a Wraith. One moment he had a head and the next moment he was headless.” He was laughing and looked at Jack after a moment. Jack had a disapproving look on his face and Weaver stopped laughing. Corthus didn’t laugh but grinned.

            “Interesting, I’ve always wanted to meet one and you say he’s legitimate?” Corthus asked.

            “If there’s ever been a Demon Hunter he’s one of them.” Jack answered. Corthus nodded.

            “Where is he now? No don’t tell me, speaking with The Founder.” Corthus said and smiled. “Of course he was escorted to The Founder’s chamber.”

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