The Illusionist

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            They evaded any attention under the veil of dust that was still settling. Swift was their movement through the streets. There was no one around to get in their way, deliberately or not, but there would be. Would be after the dust settled and the corrupt city was told what to do next, not by any Founder but by The Illusionist. Corthus stopped at one of the many homes in the city and gestured it as their destination. Fiona and Crow coordinated with simple glances and expressions on their face whilst carrying Jack. They had moved surprisingly well, as Azlyn expected; Crow knew what he was doing and Fiona knew well enough to jump when Crow said so.

            They came into the house, Corthus opening the front door without invitation and holding it for Crow. Crow, Fiona and Corthus rushed to a couch that resided in the front room against a wall and set down Jack easily. Azlyn observed the peculiar house in confusion. Sure, she’d heard that Healers used all kinds of ingredients but that didn’t change the oddness of actually seeing all of it on shelves. Fiona was immediately drawn across the room with a look of fascination and cradled a piece of wood in her hands.

            “Oh my god.” She murmured but before she could continue Azlyn was startled by the dark figure that plucked the wood out of her hands. Fiona was too by the look on her face. He brought his face into the light as he placed the wood back where Fiona had taken it.

            “Don’t touch.” He snickered from behind peeled back lips. He looked sickened. “What is it, Corthus?” He hissed across the room.

            “I need your services; these people need your services.” Corthus replied. The healer’s expression didn’t change.

            “Obviously, but the question is, do you have payment?” The healer asked. Corthus looked betrayed and so did the others after they’d realized, he wasn’t going to help them. Except Crow, Crow never really showed emotion. “I don’t want you people bringing me into this, whatever this is!” The healer, cozily dressed in a robe, gestured to his window violently. Crow took a flicker of a glance at the window where fully geared men sprinted through the streets, now looking for them.

            “Please, Fredrick, this man needs aid!” Corthus pleaded and pointed at Jack who had gone unconscious. Fredrick shook his head.

            “No.” He stated, simply and Crow knew he would require a push in their direction for his aid. Bribery came first.

            “We’ve got payment.” The Demon Hunter said and awaited response.

            “Show me.” Fredrick said. Crow unlatched his satchel and drew out a grey fluid with streams of white in it in a vial no larger than his thumb. “That’s fake.”

            “It’s not; I’ll give you two drops.” Crow said and put the vial back into his satchel. Fredrick suddenly had a long desire for the vial, it was visible on his face which before had held all emotion at bay and now expressed his deepest wants.

            “Give me three.” Fredrick bargained. Crow’s stone cold face remained stone cold.

            “No, take the two.” Crow said and Azlyn heard the impatience growing in his voice. The shouts of the Legion outside grew louder and the pressure in the room increased.

            “I won’t do it, you need my help.” Fredrick snickered. Crow flickered across the room at nearly the same speed Jimmy had watched the Dark attired foes of the tomb they had just been in do. Fredrick’s jaw was cradled at a very uncomfortable angle in one of Crow’s hands and the other suddenly had a blade in it and was piercing the fabric of Fredrick’s shirt.

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