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Jennie groaned. "Please? I have to do something, I forgot! Just drop it off for me! She's your girlfriend!"

Taehyung blushed. "She's not my girlfriend." Jennie smirked. "Not yet." Taehyung blushed more. "Please?!" Taehyung sighed. "Alright!"

Taehyung looked up at the house and sighed. He grabbed the books Jennie had given him and got out of the car.

As he was walking up to the porch, someone was walking outside. I didn't know she had a brother. Taehyung thought to himself. He shrugged and smiled. "Hey! Um is-"

The boy turned around, his face turned white, his mouth was agape. Taehyung's eyebrows raised. "Yoon-" "YoonGI, But yes.... I'm also Yoonji..." Taehyung ran his fingers through his hair.

"Tae... I'm really sorry-" "It's okay... I'm just a tad bit in shock..." Yoongi pouted. Taehyung blushed a bit as he looked at Yoongi. "Um... where are you going?" Yoongi bit his bottom lip. "There's an underground rap battle today and I kind of wanted to go and compete in it...."

Taehyung perked up a bit. "You rap?!" Yoongi slowly nodded. "Oh my god, let's go!" Yoongi furrowed his eye brows. "You're not-" Taehyung shook his head. "I wanna hear you rap! Come on!"

Taehyung and Yoongi walked into what looked like an abandoned house. Loud music blasted through fifteen inch speakers.

They stood and watched as one of the battles had finished and they were choosing the winner. Taehyung coughed a bit as a puff of smoke blew in his face.

Yoongi looked up at Taehyung. "Wow, you've never really been to one of these have you?" Taehyung smiled and shook his head. "This is so cool!" Taehyung whispered to Yoongi. Yoongi chuckled and took a deep breath as the MC spoke into the mic.

"Alright! Anybody else wanna try and beat my friend here?" Yoongi pushed past all the people and climb up onto the little makeshift stage. Taehyung moved up closer to the front.

The MC and the previous winner of the last battle both laughed. "This scrawny boy? You think you can beat him, kid?" Yoongi shrugged. "Give me the mic and we'll see."

Taehyung smirked and chuckled a bit. "What's your name kid?" Yoongi smirked. "I think you'll guys know who I am by time I'm done burying this old, tired Eminem-wannabe." The whole audience oo-ed and oh-ed. Taehyung couldn't help his excitement.

B-Free, the boys had learned that that was his name from the chants from the crowd, snatched the microphone from the MC. "Let me show the kid how things are done."

Yoongi smirked and adjusted his hat as he watched and listened to his wack flow and his pathetic insults.

As he finished Yoongi just nodded his head. "You think you can top that kid?" The MC asked. Yoongi held his hand out for the microphone.

As soon as the mic was placed in his hand, Yoongi's whole demeanor changed. Everyone went silent as Yoongi brought the microphone up to his mouth. He began to rap and Taehyung's jaw dropped, as well as everyone else's, as Yoongi continued to rap.

Half way through, the music stopped and his flow became faster.

Once he finished he smirked at his opponent before tossing the microphone on the ground. His opponent smiled and shook Yoongi's hand. "I can't believe it's you!!! Oh my god! Thank you for roasting my ass!"

Yoongi chuckled and looked over at Taehyung. "Well, I doubt anyone wants to go after that, am I right?" Yoongi smiled and thanked the Mc before jumping down and walking over to Taehyung. "Let's go get something to eat."

Taehyung stared at Yoongi after the waitress walked away with their orders. Yoongi blushed and pouted. "Op-... Hyung, I'm really sorry-" Taehyung shook his head.

"This.... this is the best day of my life! My girlfriend, turns out to not be a girl at all-" Yoongi blushed. "Girlfriend?-"

"I went to my first underground rap battle! I saw my favorite underground rapper destroy some guy! AND my GIRLFRIEND turned out to be my FAVORITE underground rapper- well, my favorite rapper in general!" Taehyung huffed out a puff of breath.

Yoongi furrowed his eye brows. "You aren't mad? You don't hate me?" Taehyung looked at Yoongi and smiled. "No, honestly for some reason it made me even more excited to be with you." Yoongi's eyebrows raised. "I um... well I'll let you ask questions before I ask mine."

Taehyung bit his lip as he thought. "Um.. so, what- how-?" Yoongi chuckled. "I identify as gender fluid. Do you know what that is?"

Taehyung pursed his lips. "When you kind of feel in between male and female?"

Yoongi's eyebrows raised in shock. "Um yeah, kinda. It's different for everyone. For me sometimes I either feel like a girl or I feel like a boy, I don't have an in between." Taehyung nodded.

He bit his lip and tilted his head as he looked at Yoongi. "So..." Yoongi chuckled a bit. "I like boys." Taehyung blushed and watched as the waitress set their food down in front of them.

After they were finished, Taehyung drove Yoongi home. He walked him to his door. Yoongi turned around and looked up at Taehyung.

"Girlfriend?" Taehyung chuckled and bit his bottom lip. "Boyfriend? Depends on the day." Yoongi blushed and shook his head. "No, you don't like me like that..." Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows and stepped closer. "Why do you think that?" Yoongi blushed and looked up at Taehyung.

"You said you were straight..." Taehyung smiled and cupped Yoongi's cheek in the palm of his hand. "No, you asked if I was gay, I said no, I like girls. But I never said I was straight." Yoongi opened his mouth, but no words came out.

Taehyung smiled and leaned down.
Yoongi's eyes fluttered shut as Taehyung kissed him softly. He gripped onto Taehyung's shirt and leaned into the kiss more.

Taehyung slowly pulled away. Yoongi blushed a deep red and bit down on his bottom lip to keep his smile from growing, it didn't work. Taehyung held Yoongi's hand and talked softly.

"Either way it goes, whatever my sexual orientation is, I still really really like you." Yoongi turned red and tried to speak, but no words came out.

Taehyung chuckled. "Think about it? I'll see you tomorrow at school maybe?" Yoongi nodded and watched as Taehyung walked over to his car.

"YOU WERE FUCKING AWESOME TODAY!!! AND AMAZING!!!" Taehyung yelled before smiling, giving Yoongi his big boxy smile that Yoongi admired so much, and getting into his car. Yoongi blushed and gave him a small wave before Taehyung drove off and Yoongi walked inside.

"Well! How did it go?" Yoongi's mother asked. He sat down in between his parents, his smile never leaving his face. "I won." Yoongi's mother cheered. "Yay! I knew you would!" Yoongi chuckled.

"Is that why you have a big grin on your face?" Yoongi's father asked. Yoongi bit his bottom lip and smiled more. "Oh, sweet heart-" Yoongi's mother said.

"What?" His father asked. "Honey, our baby's been smitten. Look at him!" Yoongi's father smiled. "Ah, I see it now. So, tell us about this boy."

Yoongi sighed happily and leaned against his mother. "Oh my god, Dad, he's perfect. He knows and he's completely okay with it! He still wanted to be with me! Mom, his face... I can't even explain it. He's so beautiful and handsome... kind of a dork, but he's a total sweetheart. And he's in the grade above me and he's Jennie's older brother."

Yoongi's mother smiled fondly. "Oh! I remember him! He use to come over and play with you all the time when you guys were little! With that other little boy-" "Jungkook!" Yoongi said excitedly. "He's dating Jennie."

"Aww well, we'll have to invite them over for dinner." Yoongi frowned. "No, mom, Tae doesn't remember and neither does Jungkook, I'd like to keep it that way..." Yoongi's mother sighed. "Fine."

She paused before asking. "What was his name though?"

An Alluring Temptation | TaeGi [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now