Hopewell Mississippi September 25th, 1864

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Johnny has been doing better, his little business has been taking off. He has been going hunting with some of the other boys in town. He seems to be enjoying it, and it has made him mature a bit. He is also put a stop to his constant teasing of Katherine. You remember when I told you of when he smeared mud on her sunday dress, well he has finally apologized to her of his behavior. It is a miracle I say. Next thing you know, he might actually be courting her. Not that I expect it dear, not that if it doesn't happen her mother and I won't be laughing at the coincidental happenings.

Annabelle has been working more on her womanly duties. I must say as each day passes, I become more prideful in her upbringing. She now can wear her first, handsewn dress. She made these beautiful designs at the hem. She is growing up to quickly.

The harvest is coming to a close, and we did not get much of anything. It is sad that such a thing has happened, and I am desperate for knowledge so this doesn't happen again next year. In your next letter please send me instructions on what to do, and what not to do. I hope I get a reply.

I have heard of a malaria epidemic. I wonder if it is neer to you.

Molly Ashley

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