Chapter 2

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The walk back home was silent. As silent as the dead of night, even though the sun had not set. Everyone seemed too afraid to speak. Almost as if speaking would undo everything that had happened today. I never said a word because no one else did. Samrah was especially silent. Her breathing was silent, her walking was silent. She certainly was the master of being silent. If I didn't know better I would say she was trying her best to hide from me. That was pretty hard for her to do considering I could sense the energy of all living things.

She didn't have much with her to carry. Actually, she didn't have anything at all. Her hands were empty. The only thing she had besides her clothes was a necklace with a gorgeous ring around her neck. It was dotted with extravagant rubies and was a beautiful deep gray. It bounced against her chest strung up by a golden chain. I had no idea why it looked extremely familiar but I couldn't quite place where I had seen it. On an ad? Maybe...

"Where did you get that necklace?" I asked. "It's very beautiful."

Samrah looked down and fingered the ring around her neck. "I don't know. I've always had it with me. Ever since they found me as an infant."

"An infant?" Wong asked, jumping into our newfound conversation.

"Yes, sir," She replied softly. "I was found in the woods of Colorado. I've always had this. Even if the ring doesn't fit, I still like to have it around. I always felt like it was there for a reason."

I nodded but I was surprised. They had found her as an infant in the woods? How was that even possible? Why would someone give birth to a baby and just leave them in the wilderness. I suddenly realized it was a miracle she was alive. A toddler out in the forest stood no chance against a predator but an infant? Samrah was very lucky that someone found her.

I knew Wong was thinking the same thing because his eyes were unmoving as he stared into the distance. Samrah was thinking too. I didn't know what she was thinking but she looked like the kind of person who stared out a window and pondered life's mysteries.

The air was beginning to chill as the time drew nearer for the sun to set. It was only about five in the evening and the sun wouldn't set till eight but as winter approached, the days and nights would cool. Snow would replace rain and dress the sidewalks with crystal powder. Winter was one of my least favorite seasons but I still couldn't deny it's serene beauty. Also, winter marked a holiday that everyone took off to celebrate. Even though it was around two months away it still gave everyone who was working or in school time to take a break. Speaking of school...

"Samrah, how old are you?" I asked.

"Fifteen. I'll be sixteen in November." She said quietly.

"So, you'll be a Sophomore this year," I noted.

"Sir, what is that?" She asked.

"A Sophomore," I replied. She looked up at me with her eyes hidden behind sunglasses. She had insisted on wearing the glasses before leaving the orphanage. I was okay with that. Even though her unique eye color did not bother me, it would bother someone else. Some walking civilian would spot her and identify her as a threat. Normal or even in the superhero category. Either way, I didn't want any civilians freaking out about a girl with weird eyes walking the streets.

While my mind had wandered off, Samrah was still confused. I realized I had not fully answered her question and decided to elaborate further.

"Sophomore is a grade in high school." I clarified.

"Oh," she said, looking away. "I've never been to school."


"No, the orphanage only had enough money to send a few. They wouldn't let me go because I was a freak." She adjusted her sunglasses and sighed.

Doctor Strange: The Eternal Flame *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now