Fenris's Offer

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Fenris's Offer

Avalyn Hawke stood next the single window of the small hovel she lived in with her mother, sister, and uncle. To say things were cramped was an understatement. Four humans and one massive Mabari in a three room hovel was beyond packed.

Most nights Ava tired to be somewhere else, either down at the Hangman with Varric and Isabella, staying with Merrill in the Alienage, or Anders in his clinic. She couldn't stay with Aveline in the barracks, and she doubted Fenris would let her stay in his mansion in Hightown.

Out of all of her new acquaintances, Fenris was the one she worried most about. At any moment, Tevinter slave hunters could come and try to take him back to his former master, that was after all how they met. True, Anders and Merrill were apostates, but they didn't pull at her like Fenris did.

She couldn't put her finger on it. Yes, he didn't trust mages, but she understood why. Who could trust someone who had cause so much pain and heartache on a person? True, not all mages were evil like his former master. Her father and Bethany were examples of that, but she knew that with magic came a great responsibility.

Sighing, Ava turned away from the window. She whistled for Shadow. The Mabari raised his head and looked at her. Slowly, he moved to stand up. Ava then moved to the door. She couldn't stand to hear the arguing between her mother and her uncle.

Bethany came out the room the room the three women shared. She glanced from her mother to her sister. Sighing, she walked over to her sister.

"It might be a good time to see about getting into the estate." She glanced back at the arguing pair. "I can't take much more of this."

Ava nodded. "Any where is better than here at the moment."

Bethany nodded as her sister opened the door and walked out followed by her Mabari.


Sometime later, the Hawke sisters, Fenris, Shadow, and Anders stood in Darktown near the secret entrance to the Amell Estate. Ava moved close to the door with her mother's old key. A rogue using a key, that had to be the the strangest thing to see today. Taking a deep breath, she unlocked the door.

Turning back to face the others, Ava smiled weakly. "We're in."

Bethany nodded. "Hopefully, we find Grandfather's will quickly."

Fenris moved as far from Anders as he could, as he moved closer to Ava. "Why exactly am I here?"

Ava sighed. "I thought that you of all people wouldn't mind dealing with slavers."

Fenris's eyes widened for a moment, but he soon returned to his broody mood. "True."

Anders stood silently holding his staff. Ava would have glared at him if he had said anything against Fenris at that moment.

Bethany moved forward. "Well, let's get started."

The group entered the Amell Estate.


A few hours later, the group walked out of the front entrance of the Estate. Bethany held in her hands the Will.

She looked at her sister. "I think we should look over it before we give it to Mother."

Ava nodded as she wiped her daggers on her leather leggings. "Let's head to the Hangman. Varric said he would help." She turned towards the other two. "Thanks for your help. You two can head home if you want."

Anders smiled slightly. "I'll stay with you till the Hangman. I'll make my way back to my clinic from there."

Ava wasn't fooled. The healer had a soft spot for her and Bethany, but she couldn't get the thought of the fact that he wasn't alone in his head out of her mind. Bethany acted like she had a mild crush on him, but Ava well just couldn't.

Ava looked at Fenris, who was glaring daggers at Anders. "Fenris?"

Fenris turned his emerald eyes towards her. "I will accompany you."

Ava nodded as Bethany glanced around them.

Bethany smiled at her sister. "Well, let's be on our way." She began to walk off towards Hightown Market.

Anders soon followed close behind her, while Ava, Shadow, and Fenris stood remaining in the square in front of the Estate.

Ava sighed. "You don't have to come, Fenris. It's a long walk from the Hangman."

Fenris moved closer to her. "I refuse to allow you to travel with only that abomination."

"I've got Bethany and Shadow." She sighed. "Fenris, you don't have to come."

Fenris almost glared at her. "Do you think I can not walk from here to Lowtown and back?"

"No, Fenris." Ava sighed and closed her eyes for a moment. "I appreciate your help and the offer to come with us, but there really is no reason for you to come all the way down to Lowtown." She glanced at the darkened streets. "More than likely we won't be leaving the Hangman till morning."

Fenris nodded. "Hawke, I understand, but I do not feel right in letting you walk these streets."

Ava smiled. "You know more than likely they're almost half way to Lowtown by now."

Fenris laughed. "True."

Ava sighed. "All right. Let's get going."


About an hour later, Ava sat at the table in Varric's room at the Hangman with the Will out in front of her.

"That bastard."

Ava tilted her head back. Bethany slept in the corner, while Fenris and Varric sat with her at the table. Shadow laid near her feet.

Sighing, Varric settled into his chair. "I have to agree, Hawke."

Ava tilted her head forward. "He left my mother everything, and Gamlen lost it all."

Fenris's eyes soften a bit. "Wish I could help, Hawke."

"Thanks for the thought, Fenris." Ava sighed. "There's nothing more we can do tonight. I'll show it to Mother in the morning. Hopefully, she'll have an idea."

Varric sighed. "All I can suggest is to try the Viscount, but I don't know if that would really do anything."

"Thanks, Varric." Ava smiled weakly before glancing at Fenris. "You can head home, Fenris. There's no point in you staying."

Fenris nodded. "I know, but I don't think Varric would mind having another guest for the night."

Varric laughed. "Ah, true, Broody." The dwarf pushed his chair back. "I'll leave you two to get some sleep. I suggest you get as much as you can, Hawke, before you head home."

Ava tired to hide a yawn. "Thanks for the concern, Varric."

Varric smiled. "I do my best." He walked towards where his bed was hidden. "See you two in the morning."

Ava sighed as she leaned back into her chair. She was exhausted. It wouldn't be much longer till she was asleep.

"You could rent a room, Hawke."

"Don't have the coin, Fenris." She leaned forward and crossed her arms across the table. Soon her head sat on them.

"Is your home so bad that you can't sleep there?"

"For the most part, yes." She closed her eyes as the sound of him moving in his chair reached her ears.

"You could come and stay in one of the rooms of the Mansion. There are at least a dozen rooms in it. I'm not using them all."

"Thanks for the offer, Fenris. I'll remember next time."

She heard nothing more as she quickly fell asleep.

Mid-morning, Bethany, Shadow, and Ava stood outside of the hovel. Both dreaded heading inside. Soon their mother would learn just what her brother had done to them.

Ava opened the door. "Here goes."

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