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"ben seriously? will you cut that shit out?"

beverly huffed, erasing all the small pencil dicks ben had scattered across her history homework. he giggled mischievously.

"you know,"

mike began with his mouth full, swallowing down the rest of his food before continuing.

"for someone who's into girls, you sure do draw a lot of dicks."

the whole table nodded in agreement, but ben simply shrugged. he was partly preoccupied by the stubby looking shaft he had sketched onto the table, which he was currently shading in. richie tried not to let on that he was impressed by ben's art skills as he watched him add tiny pubes to the balls.

"i actually find the male penis very interesting, in a non sexual way. did you know, that you can actually break your penis? it's called a penile fracture and happens when the fibrous covering the corpora cavernosa is ruptured and-"

"no, ben."

stanley spoke, his voice strained.

"we didn't know that."

richie's face was ghostly pale, and so was eddie's. bill gulped audibly and cupped his balls.

mike looked down at the half eaten banana in his hand.

"i'm not hungry anymore."

ben shrugged.

it was then that eddie turned to richie, a sugar honey smile upon his face. the kind that made richie's insides bubble with warmth and his tongue taste sweet.

"what do you think?

eddie asked, pushing back brown curls and gesturing to a small silver hoop in his right helix that richie hadn't noticed until now. it suited him a little too much, and richie couldn't help but stare.

"it's uh, in the right place."

he barely managed out, licking his lips that had suddenly become oh so uncomfortably dry. eddie pouted playfully, covering the still healing piercing back up.

"that's not what i meant! what do you think of it? do you think it's tacky? do you think it's pretty? do you think it's-"

eddie gasped quietly and stopped speaking mid sentence as richie leaned forward and chuckled lightly down his neck. his breath was warm and dangerous against the shell of his ear, and he didn't trust the smirk lingering on the other boys lips.

"you wanna know what i think, ed's?"

eddie gulped, but nodded enthusiastically nonetheless. richie leaned in that tiny bit closer, so that his lips were only just grazing the sensitive skin of his neck.

"i think, you'd look a lot prettier with your head between my legs."

richie awaited eddie's response, desperate for some sort of frustrated and worked up reaction from the smaller boy. but eddie only rolled his eyes, and lifted his hand to squeeze richie's cheek.

"tozier, what have i told you? i am not tying your laces for you!"

eddie teased, causing richie to growl in annoyance.

"i hate you."

he grumbled, glaring at eddie affectionately. eddie reached up and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"oh babe, if only that was true."


gOD richie if you like eddie so much just,, ask him out?? pfft

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