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eddie hummed softly to himself as he walked down the slightly overcrowded hallways of derry high. he smiled at familiar faces as his small hands grasped his backpack straps.

suddenly, the speaker began spitting obnoxiously, and a painful screech emitted throughout the school. everyone, including eddie, covered their ears in annoyance and discomfort.

"aha, uh, sorry about that folks. just some technical difficulties."

eddie's jaw dropped, and he furrowed his eyebrows in pure bewilderment. he spun around in a circle, as if someone was going to jump out at him any second.

"richie tozier speaking here, and i have a, uh, very important announcement to make."

eddie snorted as richie cleared his throat, inhaling deeply.

"i am in love."

eddie's smirk fell.

"i have been in love for most of my life. i am in love today, and i will be in love tomorrow."

the halls were quiet.

"i am in love with a boy, and his name is eddie kaspbrak."

people who knew eddie turned their heads in his direction, the hallway littered with confused and adorning whispers.

"he is my very best friend, and i can't see myself without him, like, ever."

eddie blinked.

"so, ed's. what d'ya say? you wanna date? i'd like a response asap, i am of high demand."

eddie rolled his eyes, but he was beaming, and the glitter on his cheeks sparkled in the sunlight. he shook his head fondly, he could almost hear richie grinning through the microphone.

"never a dull moment, huh rich?"

he whispered under his breath.


after the bell rang for the end of the day, eddie rushed straight the the principals office. he hadn't seen richie all day, and for some reason, he thought he might find him there.

and he was right.

there richie was, slumped back in a chair with his head down. he twiddled his thumbs distractedly, and eddie raised an eyebrow at him.

"in front of the whole school? really?"

richie's head perked up immediately, and his eyes began to glimmer in adoration and excitement.

"the bigger the better."

richie winked, and eddie shot him a deadpan look.

"yeah, well, i'm sure it was worth the months detention you're gonna get for sneaking into the principals office."

a blush spread across richie's freckled cheeks, and eddie felt a pang of satisfaction.

"you're a fucking idiot, you know that, right?"

he asked, stepping closer with his arms crossed firmly against his chest. richie's smile fell ever so slightly at this, and he lowered his head again.

"yeah, i know. sorry, it was such a stupid-"

"but, you know what?"

eddie cut him off, causing richie to blink up at him in confusion.


eddie held richie's face in his small warm hands, and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips.

"you're my, fucking idiot. and i wouldn't have it any other way."




that's it guys:,) this one wasn't as long as 'the promise' because i didn't wanna drag it out and it was more kind of fluffy and lighthearted but i had fun writing it anyways

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