Unrequited love

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I would look over at this person and my heart would ache with more pain than I thought possible.

I would see them with their significant other and wish it was me, craving for them to say I love you too me in the same way they said it to them.

I would hear stories of them together and wish it was me doing everything with them instead.

I would be there hanging out with them when their significant other would come along and I would be forgotten.

On days we where supposed to be hanging out,I was replaced with this person.

I will have spent 4 years of my life wishing I was with them instead of their significant other, until I could finally get over it.

There is a part of me that will always have an unrequited love tords this person,love can't just "go away" it's not like that. If you really loved someone than that love never truly goes away,it just gets masked and ignored.

There will always be a pang of heartache and sadness when I see them being so happy with their significant other, because I wanted to be the reason why they smiled so brightly and laughed so loudly,but I have come to accept that I will never be what they want.

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