Dear Darcy

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Mr. Darcy,

I can no longer contain my feelings of passion for you. You are the most daring, unselfish, thoughtful man I've ever met. Well... read of. Every time I flip a page and see your name, my heart beats like a drum. My lips curl into the most genuine smile at your every glance towards Elizabeth. Just the mere mention of your name immediately directs my thoughts to the one I will always want but can never have. Oh, Mr. Darcy, how cruel it is that the only place you can ever exist in my world is in a book and in my heart.

Why is it I love you? What could possibly make me love someone so far away so much? It's not your money or Pemberley or your dashing good looks (although, to be honest, these certainly add to the list of wonderful things about you), but rather it's the things you've done. It's the way you protected Georgiana from Wickham and searched for Lydia and forced Wickham into a marriage that would save Elizabeth's family. When you met with Elizabeth at Pemberley unexpectedly, you lost your skills of speech in quite the adorable manner, and even though you parted Jane and Mr. Bingley, it was from good intentions, and you later did what you could to bring them back together.

Mr. Darcy, I don't love you because you're perfect, but rather because you know you AREN'T perfect and try to do better. You don't cover up your imperfections, and you compliment others on what they try to do like when you complimented Elizabeth on her choice of reading at Netherfield.

There should be more men like you in the world, Mr. Darcy. More men who protect their loved ones, more men who see past money and class, more men who act upon good intentions and unselfish thoughts.

Until I read of you again,

The Bubbliest Bookworm You Will Ever Meet

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