Chapter 1- A New Beginning

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So here I am, starting a new life at a new school.

I just recently moved to this town and today is my first day at my new school, and I'm pretty nervous to say the least.

I'm an average guy, like literally everything about me is average from my grades to my looks.

But that still wasn't going to stop me from becoming a new me.

I left my house and I'm currently walking to the school until I noticed a red haired girl on the street.

Whoa, she's cute.

"Give me back my melon bread!" she shouts.

She seems to be fighting.

Wait a minute, is that-...

Yep, she's fighting a dog.

It seems the dog won't let go of the melon bread.

Guess I gotta help her.

I walk to the dog and start petting it.

"Wait who are y-" she starts saying as I grab the melon bread from both of them.

"Oh I'm sorry, this was just the only way to get the bread". I told the girl.

"HAHAHAHAHA, so you see, this was my master plan all along, HAHAHAHAHA". the girl said with a laugh.

Yeah, sure it was...

"Well I'm off, enjoy your melon bread I guess." I said.

"Don't leave yet!" she yells as she runs to me.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because I didn't get to say thank you and I don't know your name." she says.

"Oh it was nothing, and my name is *Y/N*, but you can call me Enigma, pleased to meet you." I tell her.

"Well, I'm Satanichia Kurumizawa Mcdowell, a demon, but of course you can call me Satania so be grateful human, I'm allowing you to call me by Satania, HAHAHAHAHA!" she said while laughing like a maniac.

Well she's officially lost it.

I start walking again.

"Wa-wait for me, that dog might appear again." Satania said worriedly.

Well it seems I made a new friend, not what I was expecting but at least she's not a bad person, probably.

10 minutes later.

"Finally I'm here" I said with a sigh of relief.

"HAHAHAHAHA! Now the whole school shall see true evil!" Satania said with a big goofy grin.

The people in the hallways start staring at both of us.

Well there goes MY social life

I wonder if she has any other friends?

"Uh Satania? Do you have any other friends besides me?" I asked.

"HEY, THAT'S RUDE! Of course I have friends." she replied.

"Then let me meet them Satania, they're probably some interesting people" I said, knowing if that they can deal with her, they're really good people.

"Ahhh yes, you shall meet my underlings soon enough!" she said with a mischievous face

"WHO are your underlings exactly?" said a short petite blonde haired girl.

She seemed to be really flat chested but from what it seems, that's one of her charms.

"AHHHHHHHH!" Satania screamed out of fear.

"Yeah, so who were those underlings you were talking about?" said the girl 

"This human right here is my underling!" said Satania in a nervous type of manner.

"I definitely am not! And I have a name you know." I said in a slightly annoyed tone.

As I finished my sentence, 2 other girls came over to us and it seems they're acquainted with Satania.

"Good morning Satania" said a beautiful purple haired girl.

She made my heart skip a beat just on her looks alone.

"Oh look, if it isn't Satania." said another beautiful girl with silver hair. 

This one had a perfection type of look to her.

"This is the best day of my life."  I thought to myself with a little smirk on my face.

"Hmmm? Who is this, Satania?" the silver haired girl asked.

"This is my new friend." Satania responded.

"Didn't you say he was your underling?" said the blonde girl.

"I-I don't know w-what you're t-talking about, you must have misheard me.".

I wonder why the change of heart? Eh whatever, it's better this way.

"Hello, my name is *Y/N*, it's very nice to meet you guys."

Satania looks at me with a very confused face.

"Sup, my name is Gabriel, nice to meet you"

"I'm Vignette, very nice to meet you."

"And I'm Raphiel, it's a pleasure to meet you."

They all are so different and unique in their own way, especially their hair color.

"Well it was nice meeting you guys but I have to get to class, can't be late on my first day." I said

"What class are you in?" Raphiel asked

"I am in class 2-B." I responded.

"Oh, what a coincidence, that is also our class as well." said Raphiel with a smile

I like the type of aura she gives off, but my stomach feels weird for some reason.

"Let's all walk together." Vignette suggested.

"Sure, I don't mind." I said

Gabriel and Raphiel nodded, but Satania was in the back of the group being silent.

While walking to the class, I decided to go talk to Satania

"Hey Satania, you've been awfully quiet. Is something bothering you?" I asked.

"I'm fine, I'm just a bit tired" Satania said with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"Demon Queen Satania, what evil deeds shall your subordinate do today?" I asked her.

Satania looked at me with a happy but confused face.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! All right subordinate, we will conquer the school and every human in it." Satania said with a fire in her eyes.

"Whatever you desire, Demon Queen Satania." I responded

It seems that she isn't feeling down anymore, that's good.

Gabriel and the others looked at me in surprise but all of them smiled a bit.

Two minutes later.

"We have made it to the classroom. I'll notify the teacher that you have arrived." Raphiel told me

"Ah, thank you." I said gratefully.

It seems my highschool life was just only starting, and it's definitely gonna be one hell of a ride. Finally, new friends, a new school, a new me, and most important of them all...a new beginning.

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