Chapter 3- The Truth

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While walking home a thought crossed my mind, why did I love Satania?

It didn't make any sense, I've had crushes before but I've never had these strong emotions like I do now, and I've only known her for a day at that.

So why is that? I don't understand.

"AHHHHHHH!!!" I screamed as a sharp pain in my head suddenly appeared.

While in agony, I saw bits and pieces of Satania from the past.

"What is this? I keep seeing me and Satania together, when we were younger" I muttered while being in intense pain.

"There's no way, I never met Satania before, I spent my childhood with my mother and father and a few friends, yet I clearly remember these" I said in confusion.

While remembering more memories, another sharp pain ran across my head.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" I roared as the pain was even worse than the previous one.

"Why is this happening? The pain is so unbearable that I might faint" I said while being on my knees.

Suddenly, a tall, menacing man with long red hair appeared in my memories.

"Trash like you doesn't have the right to speak with people from my bloodline. You think someone as lowly as you can have a chance with my daughter? Think again fool" were the words the man said.

"I'll plant a curse where if you start remembering Satania, you'll feel massive pain and forget all about her, permanently. And I'll do the same to Satania" the man told me.

Suddenly, my brain started to feel like it was losing something.

"NO! I CAN'T FORGET!" I shouted.

Then, a weird bright light shined across my vision and it didn't allow for my memories to leave but it was wrapping itself around them.

I suddenly realized what it was doing, it was sealing my memories.

It was trying to prevent the curse from permanently destroying them, but it also meant I will forget them for the time being.

I also knew, this moment was also going to be forgotten, so I won't be able to recover them as quickly as I wanted them to.

"This sucks, I was trying to know more about the situation but it seems it'll take awhile for these memories to trigger.

I just hope the me from a moment from now can get them triggered somehow.

The next second I was on the floor.

"What the hell? Why am I lying on the ground?" I asked.

All I remembered was walking Satania home and then when I went to walk to my house I suddenly appeared on the ground.

I shouldn't have taken that Udon but what's done is done.

"Ugh, my head's spinning. I need to get home" I said while trying to stand up.

*10 Minutes Later*

"I'm home!" I shouted to my mother who was in the kitchen making dinner.

"Hey sweetie, how was your first day of school?" my mother asked.

"It was good, besides fainting that is" I told her while taking off my book bag.

"You fainted? This is the first time this has happened, are you okay?" my mother said in a worried tone.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just ate Udon with alot of a seven-spice blend" I told her.

"I thought you didn't like spicy food?" She asked.

"I'm not but I just wanted to try eating something spicy to see if it would be different but it wasn't. Well I'm gonna go to my room now" I told her.

"Alright, I'll call you when dinner is ready" she said with a smile on her face.

I'm so lucky to have a nice mother.

I walk upstairs to my room and sit down on my bed.

"Today was...interesting" I told myself.

I just don't understand why I appeared on the ground, any memory of it just doesn't exist.

I sighed and decided to lay down for a few minutes.

"Enigma, dinner's ready!" my mother shouted.

"Coming!" I replied.

No matter how much I kept thinking about it, I just couldn't remember.

I decided to give up for now and go eat dinner.

While eating my dinner, my mom noticed that something was clearly bothering me.

"Is something on your mind?" she asked.

"Yeah, but it's not too important" I told her.

"If something is on your mind you can always ask me for advice" she said.

"Well...I suddenly appeared on the ground while on my way home" I said.

"On the ground? Did you faint?" she asked.

"Something like that? I'm not really sure, it's like I forgot something though, which is what's bothering me" I replied.

" forgot something?" she asked in a worried tone.

"Well, I was walking home with my new friend and when she got home I started walking here and the next second I'm on the ground" I told her.

"It's a she? Exactly what is your new friend's name if you don't mind me asking?" she asked, worrying on what I would reply with.

"Her name is Satania" I told my mother.

"Satania, what a nice name" she said with a smile.

"Don't get any funny ideas" I said, knowing full well she would probably bother me since it's a girl.

"Well it's nice that you made a friend." She said.

"I didn't make only one friend, I made 4, including her." I told my mother.

"Wow, I'm so happy that you're making friends! I thought that you might have a hard time like you did in all the previous school's" my mother said in glee.

"Hey, I'm not the same person I was before" I told her, a bit annoyed.

She wasn't entirely wrong though, I didn't really have friends besides a really rare few.

I was a problem child, I always got into fights and people started to call me a demon, I hated it.

So when we moved here, it was a new start, I needed to change.

"Well I'm glad you made some friends" she said with a warm smile.

"Yeah, me too" I said with a goofy grin.

"Well I'm stuffed, thanks for the food." I said.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it" my mom responded.

I grabbed my book bag that was on the floor and started to walk to my room.

"Well I'm going to do my homework now" I told my mother.

"Alright, don't stay up too late" she said.

"I won't" I responded.

*Mom's POV*

I didn't think he'd meet Satania here out of all places, and if her father finds out, he'll murder my son. But they're now friends after a long time and I just don't have it in me to tell him the truth, the truth on his relationship with Satania and what he is.

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