Night Crash

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"Tsunayoshi..." that pained voice called for him. "come here my boy..." and so, he stepped closer before then crouched next to the bloodied bed.

-a forced smile...

He never liked that kind of expression, yet now the person that he looked up to did the said thing, and as expected, he hated it.

but even so, he still replies to him softly, "Yes, Nono...?"

another weak smile presented before the old man whispers again, "As you can see... I might not able to survive this. Therefore from now on, I will entrust this famiglia in your hand..."

a silence as the man's fingers curled on the younger ones.

"I have given some thought over what you said about you choose your own guardians, and I approve it. However, you must find them all within 1 month or else you will have to agree with my choice of people. Understand that Tsunayoshi?"

nodding a little, the boy answered, "Yes, Nono..."

Nono eye-smiled at how obedient the brunet was, "You don't have to bring many people, just Reborn. He'll keep you safe..." -another nod as a silent reply because he can no longer say a word without chocking on a sob. And he would NOT sob.

"Very well then, my boy. I guess this is goodbye then. Take care Tsuna... yoshi..." Timoteo said as the light in those eyes slowly extinguished. He breathed the last as he went into his eternal sleep.

In that very moment, Tsuna felt like the world crashed for the second time in his life...





Jolted awake over the sudden stop, Tsuna immediately took notice of his surrounding, "What happens?!" He questioned as he saw the driver jumped out of the limo.

"It seems like we almost hit something..." Reborn's answer eased his worry a little.'Not an ambush then...'

-Still though, "should we check?" the boy questioned since the driver didn't report immediately.

"Probably nothing, but just to be sure..." Reborn took out a gun as he handed Leon on Tsuna's care. "Stay still," he said, and Tsuna will.

Petting the chameleon's head he silently wonders on why his HI rings, he frowns.

'my gut turns into a flip-flop... and what is this feeling?'

It doesn't feel like any sickness, and he was so sure that he's on his up most health, although tired. Still, he can't point it out, but he feels like he must do something about it.

Luckily, not so long later Reborn returned, although with a deeper scowl. Never a good sign.

'What's wrong?' he was about to ask when he his eyes widened instead as he saw that severely injured boy on his back.

"Drive!" Tsuna snapped as the driver stepped on the pedal on the full speed.

"Oi, don't tell me that we caused that" he then asked.

"No, we stopped before we actually crashed him, so apparently someone or something else caused this" Reborn answered as he's doing his best to do the first aid. How fortunate that this limo has been modified to be bump-free.

Feeling like he must do something about the teen, Tsuna took off one of his rings as he immediately went into HDWM. He then let his soft flame spread to help the injuries to heal faster.

"Oi Tsuna-" Reborn was about to scold him but Tsuna sent him a cold glare to shut him up.

"I can do this much, so just continue..." He said, ignoring the fact that he just raising his voice on the hitman and for sure will earn him a real beating for that. However, seeing his point, for now, Reborn will just comply.

And with that, their detour to the hospital lasted with silence...



After seeing the teen being taken care of into ICU, Tsuna immediately searching for a chair so he can let his exhausted body to have some rest. Afterall, it wouldn't be funny if he passed out now. Luckily all the seats were empty.

Sighing as he leaned to the wall, he didn't even realize that someone has been on his side until he felt a flicker on his forehead.

"Itte..." a Japanese whine escaped from his mouth out of habit. It was only then he realized that his ex-tutor slash advisor already sat next to him.

"what was that for?" -a rhetorical question despite he knows the answer.

"You're being reckless again..." Reborn said, staring coldly at the boy who narrowed his eyes in return

"what? you know that he wouldn't make it if I didn't do that." Tsuna retorted calmly

"You've been told not to use your flame..." the hitman suppressed the word because apparently, Tsuna could be as stubborn at times.

Rolling his eyes Tsuna talked back, "Oh come on... I don't even use my full power."

"But it was obvious just how drained you are" -well, can't argue with that. And so, all the brunet did is to lean on the fedora man.

"Yeah, I'm exhausted. So just beat some sense to me by the morning will you?"

Reborn doesn't even have time to reply as the boy instantly fall asleep. And for once he'll let this go as he wipes those cold sweats away from the tired sky.

"Dame-Tsuna doing stupid things again. I wonder what kind of punishment shall I give him this time..."

-Oh well, he could think of that in the morning. for now, sleep first...

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