4th Guardian: Sun

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The enemies have been defeated and Tsuna has taken the girls outside with Kyoya and his troops (yes, his troops). Now what's left is to meet the remaining survivor, in which it was none other but the leader himself.

Walking, oh so elegantly while ignoring the piles of bodies, Those pair of sharp ambers locked with those dull eyes.

That old man is frightened despite how he appears to be strong. In which, Tsuna can sense his fear and he deemed this scum deserved more after he hears Kyoko and Haru's confession...

"So I heard that you kidnapped children and girls to be sent somewhere else. Where is it?" He demanded answer with a dark tone. One that you wouldn't want to disobey unless you are suicidal.

Too bad that this psycho is...

"Heh... I wouldn't tell you a shit even if you kill me-" and that is his last words before Tsuna use his last bullet straight to that man's thick skull.

No words from Reborn who saw the whole scenario, as he was the one who paralyze that Navy haired man. Though to be honest, he's been itching to do so since before Tsuna came, he is glad that another corrupted soul has returned to hell.

Back on having his stoic face, as if he didn't just kill a person, Tsuna took out his phone and searched for that one specific contact.

*piiip* *piiip* *piii-click*

"Ciao, Decimo... cos'è questa volta?"
(Read: Hello, Tenth... what is it this time?) The voice from over the line said.

"Potresti rintracciare chi è stato contattato dalla famiglia Yogore?"
(Read: Could you track down on who is Yogore Family last contacted with?) Tsuna asked, straight to the point, knowing that Cielo, his personal hacker, doesn't like to beat around the bush...

"Nipponico... una Yakuza Famiglia?"
(Read: Japanese... a Yakuza Family?) Asked Cielo back.

"Sì... e voglio che siano mai rintracciati alla radice."
(Read: yes, and I want, who ever they are, to be tracked down to the root) Replies Tsuna darkly. Despite how Cielo would still do it anyway without him saying. Afterall, that blond put his professionalism as his up most priority.

"Bene allora,Ti invierò il risultato alla solita ora, dopo cena."
(Read: Alright then, I'll send you the result at the usual time, after dinner.) Said Cielo calmly and Tsuna agreed.

"prima è meglio è"
(Read: the sooner the better) he said as he could imagine Cielo nodding as he started on punching some codes and numbers on his keyboard.

"ok, ti informerò più tardi allora, addio..."
(Read: okay, I'll inform you later then, bye)
Says Cielo.

"Addio..." Then he hangs up.

Shoving his phone back into his pocket he then turned back to Reborn.

"Can we grab some doughnuts on the way?" he stated casually with Killing Intent disappears completely. All the meanwhile Reborn's smirk clearly shows his amusement.

"You shouldn't spoil your dinner... but oh well" He shrugged, playing along. After all, a cup of coffee companies with sweets sounds nice once in a while.

"-We should buy some for those three at home and maybe for the girls too. Though, I wonder if Kyoya would want some also... you know what? Let's just sent him a box"

And so, the two went back to where they parked the motorcycle heading straight to a pasty shop.

-All in all, that day ends fairly well...

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