Their Bond

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Tsuna was only 10 month when he caught someone, looking so similar to himself was standing next to his crib, just staring.

He looked so lonely and Tsuna doesn't like the long face the other brunet made, therefore he called for him to get near so they can play together.

The other boy was shocked that Tsuna could see him, but nevertheless, he is happy to finally have a playmate.

They talked a lot and for some reason, Tsuna, with his baby-gibberish, found out that this boy's name is Natsu. And he's actually around his own age.

They grew together closer than ever despite how Natsu would sometimes disappear when Nana came before later then returning back with sad eyes as she left.

Tsuna was never pried to ask neither of his mom or Natsu. Because afterall, the situation was never good enough to do so, and he hates to see them sad. So he always let his curiosity passed.

That day, however, when he was around 2 years old, he drew a picture of him, Nana, his father (the one that he had only knew from his mom's descriptions), and Natsu.

Nana was, of course, shocked when she found out. But as a mom, she tried to hide it from his 'only' child.

"Wow! What a great picture you have there! Although... why there is two of you, Tsukkun?" She asked.

All the meanwhile Tsuna who was too concentrate with his drawing cannot help himself but answer with a giggle, "Silly Kaa-chan. Tsuna is one. This is Natsu-nii!" -and with that statement, Nana gasped loudly, in which that's taking Tsuna's full attention, and soon he realized his mistake. But he knew that it's too late to cover it up when his beloved mother asked him back.

"H-How did you..."

-in which by the end of the day, Nana finally tells him the truth that he used to have a twin, namely Natsu, who died at birth.

It was strange to know that you were friends with a ghost that's actually your twin. And to actually see his tombstone was rather shocking to Tsuna... But what's more, is that ever since then, he never saw Natsu anywhere ever again.


Tsuna was at lost...

He doesn't know why he's here in the first place. In the middle of the hill where he used play with his beloved mom.

But now, he saw, instead of him, his mother is playing with that figure that he also misses a lot.

"Natsu-nii! Kaa-san!" He called, deciding to join them despite knowing that this was only in his mind...

Afterall, the death can't be revived, now can they?

But even after calling them for so many times, neither of them were bothered to even take a glance. And Tsuna even walked passed them when he attemps to touch them.

It was so sad. But he had promised that he would never cry. And so he wouldn't.

And since he bcould practically do nothing, all he did is crouch down, hugging his own knees tighter as ever as he enviously staring on how his twin brother having the best time of his life though tecnically the are both dead.

'I wish that I was the one who died...' he thought as he rested his cheek on his knees, still observing the happy duo before then sighed, "-but of course I must be the responsibly one. Just how selfish I am to ever think of that" Leaning his forehead on where his cheek was, Tsuna waited and waited until he got his mercy and wake up from this sweet nightmare...


With eyes bleary open, Tsuna slowly let the sunlight to get into his sighting as he regain his consciousness.

'Where am I-? wait,! this is... the smells of disinfectant...' everything suddenly clicked, 'so, I ended up in a hospital afterall. I thought Reborn would take me back at the house. But I guess, it's better not to cause any ruckus by taking me here instead.'

He's questioning on what or why did he dream of his dead family members over his usual dreamless sleep.

But before he can ponders too much, his still blurry eyes caught the sight of 4 figures starting to crowds him. He had a good hunch on who are they, therefore he said, "Knock it off guys, before I knock you out cold for real." And the threat seems affective.

"Well, at least we know that he's really awake" a voice that he knew so well said

"Thank goodness" a rather feminine one followed.

And those two has confirmed that he was right afterall.

"Why in the freaking world are you all here?" Asked Tsuna as he tried to sit with much effort. Luckily no one dare to help him or else his pride would be even more wounded. Afterall, he hates to be seen as weak, and yet here they are gather when he's on his upmost vulnerable state. Even his glare lost its bite!

"Well, is it wrong for us to visit a sick friend?" Asked that white haired teen. In which Tsuna then replies him, "It is wrong if you still have tons of important things to do, Byakuran. And you... All of you are bosses." -well, maybe not Yuni, since her mom is the current boss of the Giglio Nero Famiglia, and not her. But Enma and Dino was no exception despite how their famiglia aren't as big as the other two's or Vongola.

"Well, even bosses have free time..." answered Enma. But Tsuna doesn't seem to approve. However he decided to just remain silent and just let them do what they wanted. It's never his business afterall.

"So, how are you feeling, lil' bro?" Asked Dino.

"Hungry..." Tsuna said with cue of his tummy rumbling. He feel no shame over it. It was bound to happen anyway.

"You were out for three days! Of course you'll be starving!" Said Byakuran before he then offered a package of his favorite white sweets, "marshmallows?"

In which Tsuna refuses, politely of course, "I prever a decent food, thank you"

Smiling, Yuni later said, "I'll tell the nurses then. Wait... I jut realize that we haven't tell uncle Reborn or even the doctors that you're awake..."

"Well then, let's tell them. I'll keep you company..." said Dino, feeling reaponsible as he was the eldest among them as he then escorted the teenage girl out.

And so, with the two leaving, the three males continue on chatting. All in all, Tsuna enjoyed their company, though of course being who he is, he won't tell them a thing. Not that they needed anyway.

Afterall they all adores him and seeing their youngest friend easily interacting like this is much better than nothing...

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