Chapter 6

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"Wow." I exclaim the moment I stepped out of Chief's car. Well, I really wanted to bring my own car but he didn't let me. "I'm back after a long time and nothing has changed."

I smile at the view. I can still remember my memories with Kyungsoo here and it feels like yesterday. How time flies by!

"It seems that you're amazed by the view. Is this your first time here, Dr. Kim?"

"Totally not. I came here with my childhood friend years ago." I shrug my shoulder and walk towards the entrance. "How about you, Chief? Is this your first time?" I glance at him shortly since he's walking beside me while his hands are in his pockets. Typical Kyungsoo.

"Nope. I've been here too with my childhood friend, whom is now my girlfriend. This is our rendezvous."

I smile bitterly. 'Pabo-yah. This is our meeting place. Please do exclude your girlfriend. She's not even here to accompany you. Tsk!'

"What a coincidence then, Chief. This is also my meeting place with my childhood friend. We usually hangout here after exams."

And my eyes widen in full excitement when I saw the large ship. Viking Ship.

"OMO! Let's ride the Viking Ship first, chief." I hold his wrist and pull him near the ride. "I wish Taehyung was here. He'll probably freak out when he rides that thing." And I chuckle as I imagine Taehyung screaming with that deep voice of his. He's a scaredy-cat.

"Is Taehyung your childhood friend?" Kyungsoo suddenly asked and I look at him.

"No. I meet him at the Medical School. My childhood friend left after we graduated high school." I answer and study his reaction. His eyebrows knitted, maybe in confusion or curiousity? Or maybe it sounds familiar to him.

"So, who is this childhood friend of yours?" He stared at me while I look away, trying to think of an answer. This is not the right time for me to tell him about my identity.

'Or maybe there will be no right time 'cause he already has a girlfriend and he's planning to marry her.' Her I am again, talking to myself.

"Uhm...I can't really remember his name." Sorry Kyungsoo-yah. I still remember your name. It's tattooed in my heart. But I can't afford to lose you by telling you my real identity. You're happy now, even without me. "All I can remember is that he's my first love."

"Woah, for real?" I nod at him. "Have you moved on?"

Seriously, why is he asking me that? "I don't know. Maybe?" Well, I haven't but I should. I should move on. "I can surely answer that question when I see him again."

"Then, can you recognize him? How will you know that it's him when you even forget his name?"

Now I look at him straight in the eye. Why is he suddenly curious about my childhood friend? Does he already realize that it is him I was talking about? Tsk!

"Well, for sure I can recognize him by his looks and attitude. You see, my childhood friend and I have been together since we were kids. I know him too much. I know I can recognize him the moment I lay my eyes on him." I flash a small smile and look at the ride. I see people shouting and screaming. Some are laughing.

'Can I even shout my feelings out while riding? I really want to let this out or else my heart is going to explode. But he's with me.'

I adjust my eyeglasses on my nose and look away. I guess I need to keep my feelings to myself. I'll just come back and do that thing.

"Kim Namjoo?!" I look at Kyungsoo to check if he called me but he also looked at me with a questioning look.

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