As We Move On

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         I lie down on my bed, completely confused on everything that has just happened. I hear a voice at my door. “Sadie? Open up, it’s me, Josh.”

            I lazily drag myself across the room and open the door. “Come in.”

            He steps inside and closes the door after the paparazzi backs off. “Are you okay?”

            “Yeah, I’m fine. Why ask?” I put on my best fake smile.

            He raises an eyebrow and gives me the ‘not buying it’ look. “Harry just tweeted. ‘Guys, I’m single. It was a joke!’ So I figured that that couldn’t be a good sign.”

            I plop down on the couch. “I don’t know. I’m not sure if I care.”

            “How can you not care? It’s Harry Style’s we’re talking about.” He sounds more like a fan girl than I do. I slightly laugh at his exasperated expression.

            “He’s a wonderful guy. This relationship obviously just wasn’t meant to be if it only lasted one day. We can both find better.”

            “Better than Harry?! Are you kidding me? You’re expectations must be incredibly high.” He laughs.

            I lightly punch him in the shoulder, giggling. From outside, I hear the familiar voice of Dalia yelling. “Get away from me! I don’t want my picture taken!”

            “I, on the other hand, do not mind having my face on magazines!” Hannah says from outside as well.

            “Hannah! Not now!” Dalia laughs. They knock on my hotel door and I run over, opening up. “Hey there!”

            They both come in. Hannah sees her brother and raises an eyebrow. “What are you doing here?”

            “She’s my friend, too, you know.” He rolls his eyes.

            “We heard about you and Harry.” Hannah pouts and gives me a hug.

            “Don’t worry about me! We’re both handling it nicely!” I smile.

            “Good! Because we’re going to a party!” Dalia says in a matter-of-fact tone.

            “Okay. Formal or not?” I smile.

            “Not really. But wear something nice. You’re back on the market.” Josh snickers.

            I shoot him a death glare and walk to my suitcase, grabbing a black pencil skirt, a halter, and a pair of black dangling earrings. Dalia taps her chin. “Hm.. Match it with a nice belt and some blue heels, untie your hair, and put a blue bow in your hair and you’ll be ready!”

            “Meanwhile, we need to get ready too, so meet us in the lobby in about ten minutes?” Hannah smiles.

            “Alright!” I call as I run into the bathroom to get dressed.

            Twenty minutes later, I run down to the lobby, already ten minutes late. I look around and see Niall surrounded by fangirls, but he’s the only one down there. I rush over. “Niall. Where are the others?”

            “Not ready yet. They’re slow.” He laughs.

            One of the girls looks at me. “Aren’t you Sadie?”

            “Yeah, I am.” I offer a smile to her, but already expect her to insult me.

            “Is it true that you and Harry never really went out?”

            For a moment, the Journalist in me wants to tell them the truth, because honesty is what I always go after, but after a brief hesitation, I nod. “Yeah. We’re just friends- and that’s all that we’ve been.”

            “You seem really sweet though. Can I get a picture with you and Niall?” She asks.

            I look at Niall and he smiles, standing up and putting his arms around the girl and me. “Say cheese.” He laughs as she snaps a picture. “Can you tweet that to me?”

            She nods frantically and gives him her twitter so he will be able to deceive it.

            I sit down in a chair next to Niall and take out my phone as he takes pictures with fans. Louis comes down next, with Liam and Zayn close behind. Josh and Harry come together, and Dalia and Hannah come an entire hour later.

            “What happened to 10 minutes?” I ask.

            “It went by too fast.” Dalia responds. Both of them look perfect, as usual, with their flawless makeup and runway appropriate clothing. I laugh and nod.

            The boys’ take pictures with the remainder of the fans, and Dalia, Hannah, and I talk to some of the others, then we head off. I sit in between Hannah and Dalia, with Harry farthest from me. It’s not like we’re mad at each other or anything- everything is fine, since our relationship hardly ever started. It’s a pretty amusing car ride because Louis and Zayn sing the entire way to the party, trying to bump up the mood.

            We arrive at a large warehouse-like area roughly at 10 PM and my eyes widen. “Who’s party is this?” Lights flash from inside the warehouse and I can hear the beat of incredibly loud music blaring.

            “Ed Sheeran.” Harry replies to me with a half hearted smile.

~~Author’s note~~~

Hey guys! So sorry that I haven’t updated in a few days! This was a kind of short chapter, I know, but I promise that the next one will be FANTASTIC. I’ll try to update it soon, I swear! So as usual, read, become a fan, comment, and tell your friends to read it! Love always ~Sadie

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